    I bumped into this site by accident. Where is it based and where are you guys from? I'm in Minnesota, USA.

    +12  Views: 4020 Answers: 33 Posted: 13 years ago

    Great question. I've been on this site about 5 weeks and it's fun to know where everybody is located.

    33 Answers (1-30 Displayed)




    Considered yourself kicked............LOL



    Well it might take them a while to get here.12,000 miles is a long way.LOL

    G'day. Kb, ------- Adelaide, South Australia.

    Georgia USA... I think everyone bumped into this site...

    Austin, Texas (Keep Austin Weird.....)



    Austin is a 3-4 hour drive to Dallas....

    The state of.... New South Wales, The City of..... Sydney,.....In The Country of......Australia.

    Well come to the site Kbobber I am from  the UK in Lancashire


    Mel, some TU's are working and some are not. I will try again.

    Benthere dont worry sweetheart I am having probs with jenns one cant TU her as you say some are working and some arnt luv ya xxx

    Welcome, I'm from Australia.


    where abouts?

    North East Pennsylvania. Fresh air, beautiful scenery, weird people.


    ed, you guys havn't cornered all the weird, we have a fair share here too

    The nice part of New York State (Upstate).

    Boston mass.


    You can thank my relatives for helping to found your great city. They were on the Arbella sailing in Captain Winthrop's armada of 11 or 12 ships that came over in 1628!

    Far North coast NSW, bordering Queensland...near Bryon Bay, Aus

    Where is it based is an excellent question.  It is a facinating site & fun, and informative.  I'm  in sunny California, USA.


    Hi tabber, who runs it?

    Preston ,Lancashire ,England Gods countyand country."Proud Preston" England 's newest and best city


    dont for get Rossendale! xxxx

    Lancashire then Ok

    Somebody told me Bolton is the "In" place to visit. Is that true?

    No It's Greater Manchester

    dunc yes its lancashire xx

    west-bus Bolton is very good very multi cultish got some good art shops there but I love Manchester for the resturants and shops just a smaller version of London! xxx

    Cleveland,Ohio...(USA),sit's right on one of the "great lakes"(Lake Erie).Use to be a wonderful place to live,but not so much now adays,we are now ranked the 3nd poorest (large) city in the country,our school's suck (once apond a time they were one of the best in the country),the crime rate is out of this world,there are no more good jobs to be had,our winters can get pretty nasty and gang banger's a plenty...No wonder I'm so unhappy.And ALL of our sports teams can't win to save their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!


    good description of the Detroit area, except for the sports teams. Everything else is the same.We used to go down to Cleveland often when my husb was still living . His children adn gr.children live down there and his sisters and their familys.Big Italian/American family

    wow. ClevelandRick have you ever thought about moving to another area. Gang banger's worry me too.

    @tabber,sure I think about moving all the time,but at 57 years old and not having a pot to piss in and I lost my job last year makes it kind of hard to pick up and move.I hope to get back on my feet soon,thats all I can do is hope for the best,but as it stands now it does'nt look like the rest of the country is doing any better than Ohio,I just hope things pick up soon or no ones going to want to hire this old boy.

    I just love you, Cleveland Rick. You are so humble and honest. Praying for you and yours.

    Land of infinite variety South Dakota.

    I'm on the east coast, USA. This forum is not really based anywhere. It's world wide. English is the language most spoken here though. Welcome to the forum. 


    but it's owned by aol, right? Is aol based in Florida ?

    No, how many times do I have to tell you this. AkaQA is NOT owned by AOL. Just because you get to us through AOL does not mean AOL owns us. Do you ever come back and read my replies to you?

    Lower Michigan, very near Lake Michigan. This site is fun. Enjoy


    Hi, Clu. I'm from S.E. Mich. But spent a lot of time in N.W. Mich since I was 4 :-) It's sort of my 2nd home.

    I found it by accident, I'm in the UK,, Colchester Essex. It's supposed to be the oldest recorded town, you would think so sometimes as well if you lived hear.


    why, must have some intersesting history

    Yes it's a nice town really, there is a Norman Castle, a Roman wall which surounds the town, Boudicia rode her chariot around hear once or twice,It has always been a Garrison town, Parachute Regiment is stationed hear at the momment.

    Colchester is lovely,Sunny. I went there once as a child.

    Yes Dardaigh, it is a nice town, unfortunatley as with alot of towns there are alot of closed shops. But yes its still nice .

    Kansas, USA


    pioneer---have you been to see the wizard ?

    I've been looking for that son of a gun ...

    Welcome to this site I found it on a newly installed tool bar and hit the green button. I am in the US Twin falls Idaho

    Mountain View California, Silicon Valley, home of Google and the Googlytes..


    springfield, ohio  usa. bumped into this site also


    I know someone who went to college there.

    Northern Arizona at about 7,000', just south of Flagstaff and in Lake Chapala (the town, not the lake), Mexico, 1 hour south of Guadalajara - aprox 6 months each home, ea year


    there is a flagstaff in Scotland xxx

    Welcome Kb ,im in Northern England


    Greetings from Ireland, where the sun seldom appears to shine.

    Ontario, Canada


    Hey, Digger, We're practically neighbors ! I go to Ontario all the time to go to Windsor. I'm from a 'burb of Detroit.

    Aha ! The famous Windsor Casino,eh? I used to visit ole' Tiger Stadium several years ago when I lived in London,Ontario. Great ballpark.

    I've been to the Windsor Casino & London. Small world.

    Aaaaand you lived in Montreal for 9 months. Veeery interesting.

    Hi-dee ho, Neighbor.  Welcome to the Rabbit's Hole.  
    I am from Fresno, California, but my heart is in Humboldt County (northwestern CA).
    There was a green tab on my computer that said "ASK A QUESTION", so one day I did; I don't regret that decision.  

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