    How much olive oil can I safely give my cats for hair balls. I have a surygne so I can accurately measure.

      Thank you

    +1  Views: 741 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    country bumpkin

    I don't know the amount but I would like to make a suggestion. My cat was coughing up 1 furr ball every 1 to 1 1/2 weeks when her diet consited of dry cat food only. I began feeding her a 1/2 of a can of wet food everyday and she averages to expel only 1 hairball per month now. Wet cat food is expensive (I give mine fancy feast)so your budget may not allow for this. Also, feeding the cat wet food instead of trying to shove a syringe down her throat everyday may save you from experiencing several unwanted scratches. LOL

    Plain vaseline works much better. put some on the top of their paws not a big glob of it or they will sling it everywhere, but small amounts at a time they will lick it off it works.

    2 Answers

    Cats are carnivores and so you should consider fish oil instead.  Just add some to the kibble or mix it in with canned food.  Start slowly and work your way up.   Begin with a few drops.  If the stool becomes very oily when you are increasing...  that is when you pull back on the amount.  It is an indication that the cat isn't absorbing that amount of oil.  Every cat is different.

    Keep in mind that olive oil is omega 6  and fish oil is omega 3. 

    ole hipster

    Hey girl.....I see you topped the 100K mark....congratulations.....let's have a party!, really congrats...your answers always intrigue me as you are pretty much right on with all of them plus you have a sense of humor and I imaginge that you are also a very nice person.....strange how one can pick up these things just through typewritten words!....anyway....take care and I'll be "seeing" you....the ole hipster (aka Jeanie).(:

    How did I miss this lovely comment? This is a gift. Thanks Ole Hipster. xo :)

    You can give cats about a teaspoon of olive oil.


    No you can't. I know this because I went to school for this. Don't give advise if you don't know the answer for certain. This advise will harm a cat. I am serious.

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