    why did jesus die for you

    +3  Views: 1029 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Jesus died for me to save me from myself. 

    To become the bridge back to God..for those who do not believe that,that is okay,it is an eternal decision,,be sure you are right,because if you are wrong it is for eternity,but it is totally your decision..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I'm so glad you know who and her ugly minded buddy aren't here to harass your answer. Or mine.

    He died to save us all. But, if you do not believe that it is your choice, I wouldn't want to force my opinion on anyone.

    terryfossil 1

    Go ahead Dave,i can handle>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    so that i may have eternal life.


    That comes with being a Soul. Everyone has eternal existence. No one had to die for that. We are a part of God, that makes Soul eternal as God is eternal. Jesus lived on, got married and had children. You christians have been duped into believing a man created myth. You have no right to be judging others, especially gays who have to shoulder the burden of your religious cult and it's lies about them.

    never have i judged anyone...whom did christ marry ?

    I 've never met him to ask him if I'm fortunate enough to meet him I'll let you know A.S.A.P Ok.

     Wow don't think I was worth all that.

    Jesus died for me and you because of his love for us. He knew that after everyone’s first parents (Adam and Eve) turned their back on God that we could expect nothing more than a few short years of life with eventual death. (Romans 5:12) His death opens up the way for us to have what God originally intended for all humans to enjoy, everlasting life. (John 3:16) For some this will be in the heavens and for others it will be right here on the earth as was his purpose in the beginning. (Psalms 37:10,11)

    What must we do to be granted the gift of everlasting life from God? The answer is at John 17:3. There we are told that we must take in knowledge of both the only true God and of the one he sent forth, Jesus Christ. Many are familiar with Jesus but not with his Father, Jehovah. (Psalms 83:18) During his ministry, Jesus made his Father’s name known, and in the Lord’s prayer the first thing he taught us to pray is that not his name, but his Father’s name be sanctified. (John 17:6,26; Matthew 6:9) Jesus’ death opens the way for us to have life but more importantly exalts his Father, Jehovah, as the one we should worship. If you would like to learn more about Jehovah, the one who sent Jesus to die for us, visit


    Jesus never died on the cross. That's a myth created by the christian church. He lived, got married, had children and died an old man. You've been duped. Your sins are your own. No one is shouldering them for you.

    What is your reliable resource for your disparaging statement of cr*p, Colleen?

    So nice that the angry one is no longer here. I guess being a "Soul", isn't very calming.

    Notice how she charged through like an angry bull on the streets of Paloma and never backed up anything with fact....



    ""Please, gimme a break...

    Please Oh please lets not get back on the Holy Waggon again, we have had some peace for awhile.

    Comment! if strong believers believe everything is pre-ordained by God and we can`t change it, why do they look both ways before crossing the road?


    You tell me.

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