    Parents or Guardians, Grandparents etc. At what age will you let your daughter or grand daughter start dating ? ( if this question offends you in any way, just bypass, you don't have to answer or be nasty about it, Thank you )

    dating, girls

    +7  Views: 1873 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: dating girls

    13 Answers

    Is this with or without a chasity belt?



    I'm a mean mom, I'd say 17 with a long talk before hand..........

    Sometimes you have to be mean lol!!!!

    I let my daughters start dating at 17 years old. My grand daughter is trying to date at 15 and is about to drive my daughter CRAZY. I told my daughter 17 NO less, don't let her talk her into dating before 17. Am I being too old fashion ?


    Maybe, my parents let me go out with my ex-husband at age 15 and now he's my ex......

    I'm old fashion too. I'd say eighteen after she completes school. Actually the older the better.
    My mother used to sit up and wait for me to come home.

    Hey, my dad used to wait up for me!!!!

    Old fashioned is good.Kids these days seem to want to start at the top.As far as dating is concerned I think you have to judge the kids individually.Some are ready some aren't.

    Our oldest went on her first date at about 16.Her little sister wasn't even interested until she was about 22.

    BTW,I assume you mean dating as in home by 11pm & not sleep over dating.


    Thanks so much Tommyh my friend, I appreciate the comments, yes sir we want her home no later than 11pm. I'm trying not to be so old fashion, but it's just in me.

    I think 17 is being a little strict. Supervised dating with an early curfew at 15 would be my choice. Supervised = double dating with an older sibling or possibly being dropped off (and picked up) at the movies or high school dance by the parents.


    Thanks Flip, my daughter told me 17 was being a little strict also. Appreciate the info.

    Things are moving faster than they used to, I know, but 15 seems pretty young.

    15 is mighty young, we have a lot to discuss, she's 16 now and we had thought about letting her start now, Hmmmmmmmm.

    Yes early curfew good idea. My Dad the most gentle man raised up the stairs when I was late home once and nearly put the bathroom door through. Pick up service good. My parents would wait anxiously for us to get home - no mobile phones those days - they are good for this - I would have to have some kind of attena to know where they were. Happy Birthday Flip albeit late - same day as my Sister's.

    15 is too young.

    16 , actually never really had a problem my daughter was senior prom queen out of 400 plus  girls but that was because she had as many girl "friends" as "boy friends" ...still a virgin of to college......with 30 credits under her belt I don"t think I have to worry.....we have talked and talked..... I PROMISE any parent out there if they talk and listen......all will be GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!



    Thank you very much trishv for your input it was appreciated. I think my grand daughter will be alright and can be trusted to do the right thing, she's planning to go to college.

    Happen to know some parents who "talked and talked" daughter pregnant at daughter pregnant at 16...sadly the rest of the story is not good! I only hope that you're right in what you believe.

    Thanks Ducka, now you have me thinking very hard here, Hmmmm, maybe after college for her, no but seriously I believe we can trust her.

    My daughter is 12 and she has a "boyfriend" LOL... She can see him at Burger King... With me sitting right there.... When she is 16 her "boyfirnd can come to the house for dinner, or to play cards with the family. IF there is a dance I will pick her up and drop her off. No riding in cars with boys until she is at least 17.


    Thank you so much Jenn, good looking out for your daughter, you have to keep close tabs on them for a while. Thanks for the info.

    Difficult one - such an enormous responsibility having children about 17yrs I would say not before - I did not have children - looked after more kids than people have had hot dinners. Times have changed so much - parental responsibily taken away after 16 yrs - teachers not allowed to discipline. With the right parenting I'm sure they will be OK but environment too adds to this. My sister was a virgin bride and her husband too as he had to have a circumcision when he was 21years old after marrying her. Am I allowed to say that - Oh my beginning to wonder.   


    You're good dopey, you're allowed to say that. Thank you so much for your information, it is really hard raising children this day and time.

    Spaceghost - did you see my quotes for you just scattered around the empty pages of an old diary - not so good eh. Keep an eye on that boyfried.

    Keeping a eye on him as much as I can.

    If i had mt way my daughters would have been 30 before dating, but they both started dating around 16, you have to trust them to be careful, only a naive father still thinks his daughter is a virgin by the time they reach 18. i cannot understand the different thinking with some adults regarding sex-- a guy is sowing his oats and a girl is a slut == double standard.


    Thank you bulletman, you're right I knew that by 18 both my daughters were not virgins anymore, but they did get their education and no babies. Appreciate your comments.

    Spaceghost thank you so much for your response. You brought tears to my eyes because i work so hard for kids everyday.  Spaceghost I am happy that you are keeping an eye on your granddaughter.  Kids really need us to look out for them and watch them.  They do not know what to do regarding most of their life circumstances until they get a little older and have some experience under their belt.   So  once again for dating it depend on many factors.  The neighborhood.  has the parent talked to kid about birth control, (both boys and girls).  What is going in with their friend and neighborhood.  Can you take them away from neighborhood to something else if you feel it is not good for them.  Once again, I always believe in getting a good neighborhood counselor.  Good luck and God Bless you and yours!


    Thank you very much Tabber, my daughter and granddaughter are very close and they talk about sex and life in general. My daughter has told me that my grand said that she's not interested in a sexual relationship anytime soon, that her education is her top priority. Appreciate your input. Thank you for being there and working hard for those kids everyday, they are well blessed to have you.

    If I had my way about  I would say their  20's................... And now that they are 29 and 21.........they agree  also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No girls for grandchildren yet........we will see how that goes later............By that time No one will be  listening to me................


    I know that feeling Mr. Den, they hardly want to listen to me now. This is my youngest grand child and happens to be a girl and I guess I'm too protective of her, but I want her to go to college. Thank you very much for your comments.

    I agree with you. Our boys were in their 20s before they went out on dates. They married the first females they dated. So, all was good.

    Very good eggplant.....Hope they are building good strong roots for the future

    If your Grandaughter is a sensible and mature girl for her age,i don't see the harm of her having her first boyfriend at 15.It is only natural and all part of puberty and "growing up.It is getting her ready for the big world out there".Of course rules and strict guidelines must be enforced from the parents.

    What age was your first love Spaceghost ?


    Thank you so much pythonlover, my grandaughter is pretty mature for her age and she knows what she wants out of life, she wants to go to college and study in the medical field. My first love was at age 15 and I married her, we are still together. Appreciate your input.

    Not Until The Menopause!!!!

    no I think you have to listen to them and TRUST them as if you dont they wll rebel and find another way to date behind your back


    You're so right Mel, a friend of mine forbid his daughter to date and she slipped around with a boy and got pregnant at age 17. You have to trust them to do the right thing. Appreciate the info my friend and hope you and your family are doing ok. LOL.

    Thanks spaceghost hope also your family are ok as well thanks for asking appreciate it luv ya xxxx

    Spaceghost i love this question.  I will try my best because i work with children and have advised kids and parents for years.  but i am not all the way certain, but this is what is think.  I believe it is so crutial that we parents, guardian, grandparents etc. LISTEN TO OUR CHILDREN!  Also look at the environment.  What is going on.  Are kids dating at 13.  Do i want to take my kids to church on the nites that kids are going out on dates.  So many factors.  My advice get your kids in music, sports or something that will keep them occupied and then they don't have time to date until, maybe 17 or 18.  Otherwise kids at 15 and 16 are having kids.  


    Tabber, If I could give you 100 Thumbs Ups, I would. Thank you SO much for your contribution. My grand daughter is in many activities at school and is active in the church, wish she was in sports like my son was and my grandson is. She has a boyfriend she talks to, but they are not dating yet, he seems to be descent, I'm keeping my eye on him. Again thank you so much.

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