    When a home hasbeen put on a sheriffs quction-how long after auction before residents have to be out

    0  Views: 261 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Where I live the moving out happens before the sale that's all done and the people are gone . House is boarded up and secure . There is no one in the house at the time of sale . It may be different in your state . Pretty heartless process and I am sad to be telling you this . Frankly I hope I am wrong as hell here . Lets see what the others think ,perhaps there will be a bright spot . If its your house go file a skeleton bankruptcy that will buy you a 120 days . You do not have to complete the bankruptcy how ever beware in some places this is considered a fraud before the court . Just saying . Cost about 350.00 and keeps every one on hold for 120 days . Smart man can file a skeleton bankruptcy in about 7 hours lawyer will tell you different  but I did it here in New Mexico in just under 7 hours .  You might be able to keep a roof over your head for xmas  but the reality is unless you square things with the bank you are going to be moving .

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