    what should be done with the money that dictators and other politicians have in foreign banks and investments? And who should initiate action if any?

    0  Views: 1439 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    There are BILLIONS of dollars located in foreign investment, real estate and other riches that have been stashed away by countless dictators that have been disposed.

    Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, Eastern Block nations after the fall of communism, Papa and Baby Doc of Haiti, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and recently Gaddafi of Libya.

    A lot of that  money will NEVER be returned to the countries and people it was stolen from.

    The US and other countries continue to track these ill gotten assets stolen by the worlds dictators but its a pain staking job.

    Sadly, it continues throughout the world.


    so who has kept the money once found? it belongs to the people of dictators' countries.

    I agree with redslider, you obvioously want to return the money to the people that were robbed, but this is very difficult and probably rightly so. It's a lot of touble because it is a necessary protection for the innocent.

    In theory.. the money should be returned to the people that it was extorted from. As far as Politicians that keep money in foreign accounts seems shady, but not illegal. It would have to be proven of wrong doings before we could confiscate any bank rolls that these people may have.

    ...maybe we should ask United Nation about this issue; to me the money should be 'handed' over to the new government...but sure the bank wants to keep that money for the own benefit, don;'t you think so?


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