    Not a question a cooking tip!

    If you have a cheese sauce that separates or you want to re-heat the next day but think you can't because it is separated..... warm is key... pour the sauce into your Magic Bullet or blender with a bit more cream (half and half in my case... you know!  Watching the intake!) and whip the beegeebies out of it........... La la la la! and Voila!  It is fantastique once again.

    New discovery.  I am excited...................add fresh parsley at the end....

    +6  Views: 958 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    Parsley and cheese goes great xxx

    My friend uses rice flour for her gluten free recipes. They seem to work well. She makes a fantastic angel food cake with the rice flour.

    3 Answers

    I'm not a fan of cheese sauce(such as in queso cheese) but I'll keep this in mind. Thanks. (*~*)

    fish girl how do you make your cheese sauce do you start of with a beshmale sauce! if you do it will never separate! if you dont anyway let me know ! xxx


    Can't do wheat ... sad and true.
    I do more of an alfredo sauce because of this.

    @fish girl Ah ok now I understand yes i remember you have so many alligies there is a flour that doesnt contain flour I will look into it for you then you can make the sauce with out it splitting but hey you did ok to save it i must admit I love cooking and if someting goes wrong I like to solve it I am one of these people I hate to throw out food it is so wasteful thanks for the reply fish girl xxxx

    I really shouldn't eat dairy but every once in a while I cheat.
    Thanks Mel.

    thanks fish girl xxx

    yum, yum.......i'll give it a try


    Holy goodness ... you foodies are quick!

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