    how do you get rid of spiders?

    +3  Views: 569 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    Stay off the World Wide Web, a/k/a, "www."

    7 Answers

    You should not kill them every home should have spiders they kill the real bugs leave them alone and its also bad karma to kill

    You will find some nifty surface sprays at your local hardware.Spray it around the eaves of your house & other places where you notice their webs.

    They won't hurt you , and they do eat the flys and other insects. A while ago I drove past my house and my young neighbour was running up and down the pathway with her baby in her arms calling help, I stopped thinking something terrible had happened, yes it was a spider in the bathroom.

    The harmless ones i wouldn't dream of killing,but unfortunately i had a nest of red backs,and i had no choice but to get rid of them.They can be fatal to pets and small children .I chose to protect my pets.As Tommyh said,use a surface spray as a preventative from them coming into the home.


    Don't know of these ones.

    Dont. They are very useful. They kill bugs, flys and insects and are harmless.

    Unless you have a phobia - just pick them up and put them out - or get somebody else to do this or try to ignore him - he will run away and continue his work he is not there to frighten you.  

    I use the glass and piece of paper method.  I take them outside and find them a nice new place to live... except the big black ones ...then it's up to my husband to do the same.

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