    why does love hurt ?

    +2  Views: 907 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    love hurts because when you fall in love your energy centers open up.  Chakras, some people call them.  When your energy centers are open you are venerable.  If something bad happens they may close quickly.  You feel the pain.  We all feel the pain when love disapoints us.  But it is part of life, and one of the gifts of life.  We have to learn to ride that good and bad wave of live and then we will really appreciate love when it comes.  And accept and appreciate it when it leaves.  We all have and or will go thur this.  Be strong and courageous about love.

    It hurts because it's such a vulnerable emotion that is so freely given. We put the one we love on a pedestal and never expect that they might be the one to hurt and disappoint us. We allow them to see the side of us that we keep shielded from most. Love hurts and time heals. I have learnt one thing in life that the more pain you experience shows you the depth of love you are capable of sharing. Someone is going to be very lucky to be given that side of you. For now, realize that you will get over this and you will find someone that is deserving of what you give.

    country bumpkin

    I have to agree with you, "the more pain you experience shows the depth of love you are capable of sharing".(*~*)

    Because Nazareth said so. Love that song!

    country bumpkin

    Hi Don, yes it is the same group.

    lol thats the song that comes once you recover from a relationship and realize he was a no good cheater;)

    Why did he dump you? There are plenty of fish in the sea, love.

    Love hurts because hearts break HOWEVER, time heals all wounds. You will get over it. Pick up a copy of the book HOW TO SURVIVE THE LOSS OF A LOVE. It's a very healing book and can be read in one night and reread as needed,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Yes that's right Jules.Time wounds all heels.LOL

    Love hurts
    Love scars
    Love wounds and marks
    Any heart not tough or strong enough
    To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
    Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain
    Love hurts,
    Ooo-oo love hurts

    I'm young,
    I know,
    But even so
    I know a thing or two, I learned from you
    I really learned a lot, really learned a lot
    Love is like a flame, it burns you when it's hot
    Love hurts,
    Ooo-oo love hurts

    Some fools think
    Of happiness, blissfulness, togetherness
    Some fools fool themselves, I guess
    They're not foolin' me
    I know it isn't true I know it isn't true
    Love is just a lie made to make you blue
    Love hurts,
    Ooo-oo love hurts                                           
    Ooo-oo love hurts

    I know it isn't true
    I know it isn't true
    Love is just a lie made to make you blue
    Love hurts,
    Ooo-oo love hurts
    Ooo-oo, love hurts, ooo-oo


    Read more: Nazareth - Love Hurts Lyrics | MetroLyrics

    " No one can hurt you with out your permission. " are truly invested.

    Love hurts because you care.



    A very deep and receptive answer,,,

    Because of your nervous and hormonal system.

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