    If you advertise a scary movie and play it in the theatres with all the parts from the trailer can yo take that out if you have a good lawyer or if your rich or famous?????????????

    I was walking home from school with a friend who was taling about a site were you can watch movies when they come out it was called paranormal activitey 3 she said some people film the movie so they can put it on a website and she also said they took away every scary part as seen on tv and replaced it because they have good lawyers and are rich and famous.

    0  Views: 1023 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    They sound like pirates.

    It's really difficult to understand what your question is. It seems you are asking if  it is legal for someone to copy a new released movie and upload it to their website and remove all the scary parts..

    well the short answer is NO it is not legal to copy any movie for rebroadcast.  The person or organization doing the suing would be the owners of the pirated movie. Yes they can sue --


    Did i answer your question??

    kk that was not an answer but ill take what i can get

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