    What means the most to you who you become in life or how much money you managed to make at what ever or whomever's expense?

    +6  Views: 1156 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    What means the most to me -  my family and then my art. (I place the importance and well being of my family ahead of myself... but, I really love being an artist). 

    The things that brought me to this moment ... having and not having, growing up in the wrong place at the wrong time and finally finding the place where I truly belong.   Life is a curious adventure.

    I have never made money at anyone's expense but that can't be said for a few people  that I have known.  I choose to let it go.  It is not worth the thoughts.  I have a theory that it's not for me to worry about and so I don't.  I would rather come up with a new idea. It is so much more fun.

    Money is not a factor in that equation for me.I had it once,due to circumstance beyond my control,it's gone.(Or most of it).

    So I think it's who I've become.I think I am basically decent. I don't rip anybody off in my business dealings & I don't (usually LOL) tell lies.

    I guess I'm saying I'm happy with what I have become.


    I think that that is a very very good answer Tommy truly I do.

    Thanks Darci.That means a lot.

    That is the secret. :)

    What means the most to me, is what God has made of me, with my permission.

    it's not the money that's important...their is an old saying "he who dies with the most toys wins"'s "he who lives with the most joys wins"


    You are so right. One thing I have never seen at a funeral is a U-Haul carrying all that person's possessions (material wealth or possessions) to the funeral to be buried with them.

    My integrity is more important than money. I've never cheated anyone for a buck. quite the contrary. I have always believed that what goes around comes around. I have been blessed through the years, I think because of that philosophy. Asking the "Big Guy" for an occasional hand has helped tremendously.


    who u become, MAY BE. may be because it must be for becoming a better person, otherwise no.

    Who you become through your experiences is what really counts in the end. Life has a funny way of showing you whats really important at some point, and for most ,material things seem to separate you from people. It can make you paranoid, untrusting and lonely to live focusing on money and things. I believe it's not what you have but how you got there that means the most.Spending so much time in the hospital I have met people that most likely have worked their entire lives to build that empire and leave a legacy and in the end, it's their family and friends that matter.Being selfish and unkind usually leaves you lonely and sick in the end. Love is energy, stuff is simply matter,without energy,nothing matters;)


    You are a true gem. Knowing this is a gift. Thank you.

    You've got to love how this question was asked.  Who among you is more concerned about how much you have versus the quality of person that you are. 

    Who  I  LEGACY !        To my HEIRS..........  And to GOD !!

    I’m not worried about money, never expect more than I get. I’m happy for what that counts as my state of mind is a roller coaster. I want to stay happy ….

    What i am is important to me,not what ive got  materially

    Who you become in life of course,,i believe i have become a better man than i was,,but i still have a fair way to go,,the distance i have come i thank God for..without him i would not be here..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I Would have done it my way if i had more money,,

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