    how much money do i have to waste on useless information?

    0  Views: 619 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Sorry . I went and looked and you have two questions listed. No one here gives any advice that is intentionally BAD. We are not your personal assistant, librarian,or secretary. We rarely do hand holding ,so don't expect to be led around like a puppy until you figure it out.  Now if you would like to ask a question instead of bitching about useless.Please do. Hell you don't have a clue what useless is ,come live for awhile in New Mexico and really learn first hand what useless is. The land of NO!!!!  More stupid stories here than you can imagine.

    You would not have wasted any of your money on this site,as we do not charge a cent.

    W""sorry eggie couldn't think of anything original..

    "" Well, I never said life was meant to be easy.

    If you spend the time you will find lots - no money needed for this in this world.

    depends on how much you have. ;-)

    Not a dime but, if it will make you feel better, send me $5..............

    You would be surprised what useless information can get you ... and how useful it can become when you didn't think you were listening.  Life is a curious adventure.

    ""sorry eggie and daren just love this picture and as you say there isnt anything to say!

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