    What small pleasures in life are you most grateful for?

    I am grateful for the curled-up kitty snoozing on my lap. For very warm water over freezing cold hands. For being able to take long drives with my sunroof open in beautiful weather. For that great old song you haven't heard for years come on the radio, along with fond memories. For answering the phone to hear "Hey, Mom.........."

    +13  Views: 1109 Answers: 25 Posted: 13 years ago

    25 Answers

    My grandkids.I thank my daughter every day for them.

    ed shank

    My great granddaughter. I've always believed that Angels walk amongst us, she is definitely one of them.

    They are angels Ed.They never cease to amaze me.
    Merry Christmas mate.

    porridge, my pussycat, and shoes, lots of shoes


    Porridge? Where do you live? In the U.S., I rarely hear that word.

    Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot, nine days old.
    Well, don't ask me. I'm just saying :)

    9 day old porridge (or oatmeal, or almost any other food item) doesn't sound too yummy!

    Are you or were you friends with Imelda Marcos?

    itsmee, I live in Aus, and Doolittle, I can only aspire to have as many shoes as Imelda Marcos!

    A roof over my head, food to eat, family and friends and a job.


    Great answer. These are things many take for granted, until they aren't there anymore.

    Thank you and I'm grateful I have them!

    My three tiny grandaughters. It’s been difficult for me to connect with the two year old but I  think I have made it. We were all standing around watching the Halloween parade and she came up to me and handed me a big round rock. I gave her a hug. The rock is on my mantle ... and will always be.

    It always makes me happy whenever I see a dog  wagging its tail  leading the way with its master, especially when its an elderly widower.

    how about the privilage of being able to pick up the phone and having a pizza or even chinese food delivered at just the touch of a button..


    NOT at my house, they simply wont drive that far or attempt to find the house. I don't blame them. I suppose that's part of why I live here. Don't always want to be found so easily. ;->

    very grateful for being able to buy food and have roof over my head and many more and when I spoke to my Mom on saturday .....


    Congrats on getting to 200K. I didn't realize you have gone way beyond it.

    Chiangmai thank you Hey were have you been I have missed you! xxxx



    Yes, Zorro, I too am very grateful for that! Do you have a specific reason for your answer?

    cant imagine without it

    I think these change according to what is going on in your life. The best  is to hear my dads voice on the phone as he is in recovery from strokes and lucky to be alive. Also when the house is empty and all I hear is the silence. Having time to pick up a book and be able to digest the material, dancing to a song t hat makes you want to move, the love from my little bird when she rests her little head on my hand for a tickle,hearing "I love you".



    That stuff that goes up your nose loaded with oxygen and comes back out with carbon dioxide, without it I would be nothing.

    I would not be able to laugh out loud with my dog, yes she does laughs in her own way.

    I would not be able to look out the window as I just did to see blue skies with fluffy white clouds.

     I would not be able to hear "Love you Grandad" on the `phone or hold the kids in my arms.

    I would not be able to appreciate the companionship of friends.

    Oh! so many things, "talking to you wonderful people including my new mat ROMOS"

    None of these could I do without that stuff we take for granted, AIR.


    Very nice personal perspective about something so basic and necessary! Thank you.

    As a child; rubbing a buttercup on the palm of my hand to see if "she loves me" and collecting polly-wogs from the stream that ran into the swamp. Mom's potato soup.

    As an adolescent; my transistor radio that I hung from the handle bars of my Sears 3 speed bike.

    As an adult; peanuts in the shell with a glass of Pepsi, mentholated lotion after a shower on a hot day, the first rain.


    Love your answer, figtree3. Are you from the South??(USA) Love your answers to "small" pleasures in life. Beyond the basics, these mean the most. I love "the first rain", and the "transistor radio". Thanks for sharing......

    I am actually from the North West, born in Renton,WA. We moved to California when I was 8 years old (1970). The people who best influenced me were on Mom's side of the family, all lived in Oregon. Originally, struggling farmers from Iowa.

    I relate to your answers partly because I am just one year younger than you, and my family, Grandparents and back were struggling farmers from Wisconsin. Hey, we may be kin!! :-P

    My soft bed and warm blankets


    NOTHING beats that!!

    " Freedom Of Speech. ''

    Like you, the kitty that sits on my lap and purrs.  
    A game of "10,000 Aces" with my 93-year-old mom.
    Reruns of shows I like.
    Cinnamon-flavored gum.
    Getting a book from the library.
    An hour to enjoy the pool on a sunny day.
    Listening to music.
    Sketching.   That's a few SMALL PLEASURES.


    As usual, Bob, you create a beautiful, meaningful answer. I love all your answers,...except the cinnamon gum and I' m NO artist! Thanks for sharing a part of you.

    I am no artist, either. I just reread your simple pleasures and got a little choked up, especially with "Hi, Mom". There isn't a phone call I look forward to more! P.S. A really good old song to drive top-down on a great day is by Booker T & the MGs. "Time is Tight". from the 60's, of course. :D

    I will have to check that out, don't know if I know of them. Thanks for that and for allowing the very caring side of yourself to be expressed. You are a person I really think I'd like to meet and talk to. You seem to be very in touch with your feelings,....and those of other people, as well. :-]

    Likewise, michmar118...your questions ask us to dig into ourselves and feel, not just think. I like that.
    I would love to have the "regulars" here get together for an open house sometime; I'd be willing to travel wherever for that small pleasure!

    "" "Being able to drink through a straw."


    Cute! Love your animations, keep 'em coming!

    Love and respect shown me by my growing family.


    That is awesome. You are coming full-circle.

    You big, gruff, surly old softy!

    A lovely flight on my Luna Moth on a clear nigh when the stars overtake the sky- especially seeing falling stars.  Swimming in clear warm water enjoying the soft breeze and listening to the dolphins laugh.  Laughing.  I love to laugh!


    Pray tell, what is a Luna Moth?? Sounds heavenly!

    Very cute Doo ... :)

    Of course there is an open invitation to ride on Miss ned only to ask her!

    eating dinner with my family, sleeping in my cozy bed at night, and waking up to a fresh new day



    Just waking up to greet the day... every thing is a bonus actually.

    Most of the small pleasures in life I enjoy is being able to see the beauty on this earth, the sunsets, the starry skies, the beauty of the desert. Meeting new and interesting people.I suppose I have an artists view on things.


    You are very fortunate that way, leeroy. Many people have to focus to really see it. :-)

    Thanks michmar, I think most people are in to much of a hurry to take notice of the beauty around them. It's a shame to go through life without stopping and smelling the roses now and then.

    OLIVER everytime.


    Lucky Oliver, whoever that may be!

    Oliver is my best bud my one guy that loves me unconditionally with no hidden agendas he is my 19 year old cat. Just thought I would let you know thank you.

    Oliver Oliver he must be some cat Darci would love to see a pic of him my Oliver who died last year was the same as west-bus avitar I look at that pis and think of Oliver all the time xx

    Being in a warm home on a day like today,11 degrees outside.


    Amen to that one!



    Meaningful "Thank you's"

    Darci13,  please,  who is Oliver??   Child, pet or other??


    Oliver is her cat.

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