14 Answers
I know when I tallk to my dog, he understands what I am saying. They are very smart. I too wish that dogs could talk then they could tell you how much they love you and let us know when they are not feeling well. But God has created them for us to love and to be our best friend just the way they are.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
God didn't make dogs as intelligent as cats and chickens.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

I always talk to my dog...she's always been my best buddy!
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Dogs can talk.I've seen them on TV. Goofy's a dog isn't he & what about Scooby-Doo & Trowellfaz that dog on the Jetsons.He could sorta talk.
OK so maybe they're not really dogs,just actors,but they still talk.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I talk to all living creatures. The only reason so many cannot is simply because they have been taught that they can’t talk to any creatures but humans. I challenged that as a young child because I had heard their beliefs in God and spirit so the denial of creature spirits was not acceptable to me. I was already talking with spirit and nothing could stop me. I see hear and understand all life forms. Every creature has its own story and if you communicate with creatures affectionately they return affection to you. But if you talk with living creatures you will find eating them less and less appealing.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
As Shootah says dogs are great buddies - I used to have a dog called Skippy who belonged to a lady who died - Manchester Terrier and I spoke to him all the time so did my friends and I do believe he knew every word - and would sometimes look up at you as if he was human - my Mum says my cat Bo Bo ( felix looking) has this same look sits and looks up at me. They seem to respond so well - I am sure they understand what we say - it is enough - such silent communication from them.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
God did make them talk. They just don't used words. Humans and animals are not on the same level. You and an animal will not use words to communicate with each other. A dog shows you love when he's the first to greet you when you come home from work or school. He will protect or warn you when you're in danger. He even stands by your side when you're moody. He understands your commands.You understand when he wants to play, or go for a walk. You know his likes and dislikes. You don't have to use words to communicate with each other. You just know.
Since humans and animals are not on same level, I always wondered why Eve didn't think! Why am I having a conversation with a snake? An animal has never talk (using words) to them before.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
As for Eve, I am certain that she and Adam spoke in a language that was understood by both. What language? I don't know. Look at the languages we have now. You don't speak or understand all the different languages. But, it can be translated so you can understand.
I will say again, man and animal will not sit and have a conversation. Dogs are domestic animals, a pet.
Dogs can talk, you just don't understand them, there's no language that speaks as clearly as dog telling is master how much it loves them.. I don't know bout cats, they do talk but they speak a dialect I don't understand. Cat talk is unclear to me.. :) Actually I don't wanna know whet its saying, probably telling me how stupid i am..
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
My dog can say " I love you" Or "lets eat" or "lets walk"..................some times I have to figure it out like I am with a one or two year old child...........In fact at times he is just like a child............Love him like one too..................
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I had a dog that thought he could speak the English language and the funny thing is ... I totally understood what he was saying. He was a great conversationalist. He was an awesome dog.
God loves dogs that is why their name is what their name is ..
My little male Poopay talks like a cat. It is hilarious. And my female loves Nine Inch Nails.
You just need to pay closer attention.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |