    why do peopel get mad happy sad why do u have feelings ????

    +3  Views: 1180 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Our feelings help us register our experiences.

    A person really has to go to school for about eight years to get to the bottom, inside, outside, top and all parts in between to completely understand this subject.

    A friend of mine hurt my feelings today because the world as she sees it revolves around her view on life.  I am going to let it go.  She only has a few friends and she would notice if I dissapeared!

    I'm happy and sad at the same time, happy I'm alive to help others and sad I can't help more.

    I believe it is part of the souls experience of being human. Without these feelings we would all be emotionally empty people, like zombies in a sense. You have to experience all bad feelings in order to understand what it is to feel the good ones and appreciate them as well.

    Because  we  are  Humans !!!!!!!!


    Well I know I am a human

    Our feelings help us register our experiences.

    A person really has to go to school for about eight years to get to the bottom, inside, outside, top and all parts in between to completely understand this subject.

    A friend of mine hurt my feelings today because the world as she sees it revolves around her view on life.  I am going to let it go.  She only has a few friends and she would notice if I dissapeared!


    why your friend is a mean gril or a B

    My friend asked me a question and so as a normal thinking person (stupid stupid stupid) I answered and then she made the sound of the noise from family feud when you get the answer wrong ... she did a few more things, shortly thereafter she left the building.
    It hurt my feelings because I only say positive things to her. She seems to enjoy squishing me like a bug. Our days as friends are numbered. I only put up with this behaviour because I value the friendship of a mutual and her husband. I don't want to let that go just yet. It will happen. I know.
    Shortly after Christmas. One has to have a timeline when someone is treating you badly.

    With all these   feeling  It can make us  BETTER   People


    We can learn from these feelings

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