    does he like me

    one of my friends told him i like him and he said no but now were friends and i catch him looking at me alot! i REALLY NEED TO KNOW.... plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    0  Views: 1476 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: crush

    7 Answers

    He's looking at you because he wonders why you are giggling so loudly every time he is anywhere near you.

    Sweetheart, if you are needing to ask this of this website, don't ! Do his eyes light up when he sees you? Do you feel your heart start to race when you see him?  All anyone can do, is try to see if you have similar interests and likes. Sometimes people we are most attracted to, are not what we would hope they are. We might be attracted to the fact they are physically beautiful, while as an individual, they are a speeding train headed to a major train wreck that no one can divert. Life will go on, and so will kind to yourself! Life, as you travel its path, will offfer many different venues...always be kind to yourself sweety. What may now seem like you have to have it...may be a blessing to have missed it. You sound like a sweet person, with a sweet heart...remember to treat yourself as such!

    Pick a daisy and pluck the petals  to find out if.....

    He had not though of you originally, but now that he knows you like him...he is intrigued! Stop. He does not like you yet. Show him your best, talk to him. He will decide soon and then, if my guess is right and judging by all the times he looks at you, he will like you.

    Go and find someone your own age.

    Only time will tell,when you are in his company act like a sensible and mature girl,and who knows, he might like what he sees.

    Only you will know - takes time.

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