    Its snowing here in Northern NM is it snowing in your hometown?

    +4  Views: 581 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    No snow in lower Michigan yet.  Thankfully

    No Snow.. but I heard this is going to be a long cold winter... I am kinda excited about it.. But I live in GA.. so I wont catch the brunt of it.


    You never know what could happen. I belive that it was last year or the year before that there was snow in all the states. So I guess you just never know. ;)

    It was last year... But it never really accumulaated here in Middle GA.... But when it is a hard winter IN the North East... It is a HARD winter.

    We are supposed to get some snow later on this afternoon. I live in NH. Right now its raining.

    It's 1:21p here in Austin and the front isn't even here yet... It's supposed to get cold (60's) but, no snow.....


    Cold (60's)? You better bundle up,hahahahaha.

    Hey, it gets colder here...just never for the holidays (I've worn shorts at X-mas....) I've seen snow FALLING twice in my life........

    no snow yet.. but we can't wait.. they say it's going to be light in the morning and dark at night .. thats guarenteed...

    No snow in a matter of fact now that the rain is over and the sun is out, It's actually rather pleasant for a change....mid 50's...nice weather....too bad it's gonna' give way to a miserable winter as most seem to be the last few years or else I'm just getting old and cantankerous (sp?)...(:

    Unlike Jenn I'm not excited about it,but no it's not snowing here in Ohio yet.

    I live in Northern Ohio about 10 minutes from MI it is raining here has been the past few days off and on.  No snow but you could send some our way.     :)

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