    my girlfriend had a affair and her emotion are still in love with this person, should i stay with her?

    +5  Views: 1343 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago
    fruit ninja

    dude no way dump her make her look like an idiot

    There is not any need to be nasty it won't do anyone any good and you may need a port in a storm one day just find a new model for the moment

    29 Answers

    Move on amigo.There is nothing but more pain in this relationship for you.

    Get out of it while you can, if she does it once she will do it again.

    Don't take revenge.  That only makes you look bad since a lot of people take sides and only know ONE SIDE of the story being told...maybe hers.  Take the high road, tell her that the trust is gone forever and wish her the best. You will feel better about YOU and that is important right now.  Move on. 


    Ducky: That’s an incredibly good quote. So true.


    Anyone willing to trade love for romance is too immature to appreciate the difference.


    My OL did the same thing, we got back together ten years later, both of us had more to learn with different people. We have been back together for 15 years and we get along much better than we did before. Love is more than sex. It is life sharing and mutual respect and caring for each other. We both have friends outside our relationship like CODA, AkaQA, arts and crafts guilds and reading groups. But that’s the result of maturity and values that may or may not be shared.

    You are still there????????????

    It is what it is; she is who she is; unless you want a lifetime of heartache, run as fast as you can to a happier future possibility.


    Should/would you run out in front of a train for a penny?

    What are you NUTS ?She dumped you when her panties hit the floor. Unless you are on some sick self embarrassment kick  move on down the road . You are giving MEN a bad name ! Get some sex pictures of her before you leave ,they make nice xmas cards for her family and friends co workers . Get some revenge and get the hell down the road .


    Oh whoa! Your suggestion might be overboard ... but it would be tempting ... but he shouldn’t.

    Before you say this I would offer these sites: and Turn about is fair play ,women have wanted equal rights now its time for some women to get their just deserts . I personally like the idea of some x rated xmas cards . best to take those photos while things are still good save them for later . You should receive what you give ,no more no less!

    Hating someone is like drinking poison everyday and hoping that the other guy dies!

    Make a new life, Even if you both stayed togeather, her heart will be some place else, so what is the point. ?Who is to know, she  could even leave you in end, and go back with this person. Dont let her be one to break up with you. Be one step ahead, finish with her now. Good Luck.

    I dont believe all cheater are habitual. There are often times that life or problems in your relationship just get too much. As far as her being "in love" with him... I see this two ways... 1 I am glad she had feelings for him and didnt just throw herself at anybody.. 2 She can overcome these feelings but it is going to take time... Possible up to 2 years... (just a little trivia, it takes 2 years to get over love, loss, and infatuation.)

     I dont know anything about you/her or your relationship.... But if you stay.... you have to let it go. If you leave you need to make a clean brake... When trust is broken it never heald.. there will always be pieces missing.

    Run to the nearest exit.  Don’t accept her back too soon,


    I would probably say...ever!

    Ultimately, it is your call! What do you feel within yourself? Can you ever feel comfortable with her again? I've known similiar situations in life...and I just chose to move on. I just plain walked away and kept on going...not even worth getting upset over! But, that's the way I dealt with a lot of things. We're all different. Do what is best for you...what makes you feel better.

    Leave plenty more fish in the sea if catch the right one you'll know until then have plenty of practice and fun Life is too short by far


    If her feelings lye with someone else,what on earth are you doing with her ?Don't make a fool of yourself any longer.

    heck NO........dump the witch.......asap!!!

    Dump her now. Sorry for your luck.


    I believe that you guys need a break from one another, she needs time to sort through her feelings so that it will not happen again. Like the saying goes she cheat on you once she a fool if she cheat on you twice YOU a fool.

    Does the term "cuckold" mean anything to you ?


    I heard that term years ago on my old soap opera... .''Love of Life '' The writing was good on that show.

    " According to worlds statistics next (Wednesday); the 7th. billion person will be born on this planet,surely you can find another person to share (life) with, possibly someone better suited for you."

    Umbreil :Just cant scare someone who dont care . book called "Black Book Of Revenge "   Justice needs to be served on those who deserve it .

    its obvious she dont care about you anymore. drop her. dont put yourself through the pain. get you someone whos going to love you for being you, no matter what!

    Finding out someone you love has betrayed you in the most intimate way possible.  She says she loves the other person.  Under those circumstance, two years or twenty years, your relationship will never be the same, "even if". 
    I would not want to continue a relationship with someone who has been intimate with someone else and says he loves that other person.  It is heartbreaking and will take quite a while to get past it, but I'd break it off COMPLETELY, and get a therapist for myself. 

    Move on buddy, plenty more fish in the sea..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<...

    I think  you should find someone else. ......someone who you're more suited to and thinks you are top dog . . . . .the handsomest and sexiest. . . . . .someone who has more of a faithful nature


    Love hurts when we love someone that opens us up to such vulnerability to that person but no matter how much you love her, no matter how much you do for her, get it out of your mind that you can change her.  No one but no one can change another person, that has to be that person's choice nothing you can say or do will make her change if she does not want to.  So that choice has to be yours.  Do you want to live your life feeling that way?

    Thank you for the answer it hard for me to make my decision because my girlfriend and I have a two year when she had the affair . I don't want to leave but I feel I am lost on being a father would it be easy to leave her?

    1. Tell her to seek out a counselor for 2 sessions to  clear up her own intentions. 2. Then she commits to working thru her emotional attachments, AND to expressing to you what emotions about you might be stopping her from wanting ONLY you, with the intention to work thru those too (with your own full cooperation) OR you separate & cease ALL contact (not even "Facebook") 2 weeks after she fails to make and keep that commitment.

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