    I wonder why so few people comment?

    +8  Views: 2546 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: akaqa comments
    ole hipster

    Hi there itsmee.....good to "see" you!

    (((((ole hipster))))))

    7 Answers

    I've received a message that some of the problems should be resolved today. Hang in there everyone. They are doing their best. I know I've had to find a lot of patience with dealing with the problems on my end too. Keep checking in and letting me know if the problems remain or if you see any improvements. Thanks. 

    Recently at least, a lot of us were/are having trouble with this site and one of the problems has been that the "comment this answer" would not work at all or if it finally did work, it would jump to the wrong place.  Mine is working again now but wasn't for a couple of days.


    good answer...

    This site has been so slow, After you anwer a question, trying to get to the next one, the same site, that you just answered the question on, keeps coming back at least two times, the slow TUs. Its too frustrating. I dont have that much time, nor the patience.

    ole hipster

    Hello Ann.....I haven't been around much as of late but it is good to "see" you also...(:

    Hi ole hipster how are you doing? Sure miss you alot. I hope that your health is better? Let us know.

     Hi Itsmee I havent the time to even TU and answer my comments the and then answer Questions as it takes all my time just to get through on my un answered questions because the site is so slow like this morning I was on for a about a hour and I couldnt read all the un unswered in my box because it was so slow I do hope it changes quick! as I am really getting fed up with it I feel sorry for Colleen as she must feel quite angry as her hands are tied well lets hope it gets better


    You stay right where you are. Don't go running off. Hear?

    itsmee thanks for the comfort but it is really bugging me but thanks for the support xxx

    Ann & Daren,

    I think this should be filed under MY STRANGE LUCK. My TU is working well. It used to take me forever. Lots of times I considered just giving one TU but that rarely worked for me because the answers, though very different, were often all very good.

    I had considered giving up more than once. But now ... it’s all good.  I’ve never had a problem with the “Comment this answer” place. Oh well ... mie ho mie.

    I run a mac with Safari and I don't have too much trouble, the TUs are at times slow to react and a new Questions page a little slow in loading but all in all I can live with it. It would be desirable if we could have from the Site Admin. an explanation in layman's terms for the problem.   


    They would have to get that from the developers of the app. The admin do not fix the issues, the developers of this app they use, do.

    This site grew so big so fast. Maybe they weren't prepared for the response. (Actually, I'm not having problems with the site now but I have had in the past) They will get it straightened out.
    And, yes, Colleen has her hands full. She's a good one!

    I've been gone a couple of days, and returning to the site, everything seems to be working splendidly. Especially TUs. Lightening fast. YAY!


    And welcome back, Colleen. ""


    TY winfla xxxx :)

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