    dog seems to have spasms, what could it be

    +1  Views: 566 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I had a chocolate lab x , he had siesures when he was young,till he was two. At two he had three in a row, the vet determined he had epilepsy. We started him on phenobarbitol , twice a day, we wraped the pill in a piece of cheese, he took it no problem and he didnt have any more siesures. Unfortuneatly the medicine is damaging to the liver over the years of taking it.We had to let him go at the age of 8, he had a great life and was loved by many people.Before he was diagnosed, he would be sleeping and would be startled awake, he jump up and run to the door,but colapse with a siesure he would recover in 10 min the vet at that time thought his body and mind were not developed, the 3 in a row is what determined this.Without the meds he probably would have died within the month.His name was Lucas. I hope this helps , best wishes 

    get this dog to the vet asap and get it checked out now please

    Sounds like your dog is epileptic, see a vet, I'm not a vet....

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