    has degenerative disc disease become an epidemic in the last decade?

    In other words, has the percentage of people diagnosed with degenerative disc disease increased substantially in the past decade? 

    -1  Views: 600 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I don't know if the disease has increased or just the diagnosis.... I'm knowing more and more people suffering from it these days...

    I belive what Ann said that people are living longer also they are not walking enough eveyone needs exercise as when you get older you start ceasing up must keep on the move even if it hurts you will feel better soon


    I really believe it has something to do with not walking more, .In Europe, everyone walks more than here in the US. We get in our car and drive. My neighbor drove to get his mail, only a quarter mile away. My mom and dad worked very hard physicially and never had a back problem. I also think beeing overweight has created more of those problems.

    I really believe it has something to do with not walking more, .In Europe, everyone walks more than here in the US. We get in our car and drive. My neighbor drove to get his mail, only a quarter mile away. My mom and dad worked very hard physicially and never had a back problem. I also think beeing overweight has created more of those problems.



    You are right weight does put a lot of pressure on the skeleton most definately Walking is good so is hard work but it does depend on the work - where lifting is involved - this is killing for the discs and joints.

    I really believe it has something to do with not walking more, .In Europe, everyone walks more than here in the US. We get in our car and drive. My neighbor drove to get his mail, only a quarter mile away. My mom and dad worked very hard physicially and never had a back problem. I also think beeing overweight has created more of those problems.


    Another one. OOPS!

    People are living longer. It's a disease of older people. (Usually) 

    I do not know the answer to this but technology has been able to diagnose the condition better. I have spondylosis of my neck and all my lumber discs are bulging and after two epidurals which failed on my back - I have a great deal of pain.



    I am so sorry, that type of pain is horrible and makes for a really bad day....

    Thank you for understanding jhhartan - to add to it I have bilateral shoulder problems. Once a Doctor friend of mine before my back became more apparent said to me there is nothing like back pain - he died with cancer of the pancreas shortly afterwards can you imagine oh my this was his back pain.

    I have pain too ... Chronic. Intractible. We'll chat sometime. : )

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