    Is there a need for compasion here in America, or just show it in other countries?

    I'm talking about our government and it's relationships with foreign relations. Seems Americans are the people on the back burner while other countries have their hands out wanting money. In reality.. all I've heard is how to suck the blood (taxes) from us as the plans of both parties in order to solve our economic troubles. I wouldn't pay anyone to be my friend.

    +4  Views: 858 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    charity begins at home , shouldn't we start with those in need right here in our own front yard, honestly you don't have to look far to find those in need. so why bother sending billions around the world when their's millions right here in our own country, the us is rebuilding countless numbers of   other while or own infrastructure is crumbling, even if we cut foreign aid in just half and took the balance and applied it to our own needy i would be a major step in the right direction, a second great step would be term limits on our politicans..


    Charity should begin here at home. I really like the idea of term limits. It would, however, be ok for long termers if they would do the will of the American people and uphold the Constitution. Seems now that they only want to uphold parts of the Constitution. This is due to political gain for special interests.

    I actually think you have a valid point... and this isn't something that I have just thought about because you have asked this question.  It has been on my mind ... Politics and Government are far more complicated than we, the taxpayer, can imagine.  We are not out there in the arena.  It is easy to be a critic and far more difficult to be a person in the position where 'We, they and all' are a true concern.


    Do I think we should take care of our own first?  Yes ... but I don't know what debt my country has to pay in the political arena. 

    Do I think there is enough money to go around so that no one on this planet should starve... yes I do.  

    Do I think that women should be treated equally around the globe?  Yes I do. 

    Do I think that every single person is deservent of an education?  Yes I do. 

    Do I think that every single person on this planet should have running water and a warm bed to sleep in?  Yes I do.

     It just doesn't  work that way at the moment. 

    There are countries on this planet that could feed all the surrounding countries  because their earth is so rich.  Is the soil planted with seed...NO and that is because the government changes every six months as there has been one overthrow after another ... the people starve and the men argue and argue and argue again. 

    There has been a country, until very recently, that could not get it together over religion.

    Countries that just want historical boundries given back to them and a country that just wants to be free so the people can move home again.

    There are people who live in countries that don't get what they deserve because their government sells the aid that is sent to them from countries like yours and like mine.

    ... and another country that is responsible for many artifacts of human history to become destroyed because they thought they were bringing peace to a nation that only had pesticides... and a truly hideous man as their leader.  Is is still a big fat mess.

    There is Afganistan.

    We are not perfect but we are all human.  A divided house will fall.  It seems to me, historically speaking, that we (the tax payers) are becoming a bit ticked off.  Demontrations are happening globally.

    It may be the time to apply pressure to our politicians, who we employ and who work for us ... the tax payer ... with our hard earned dollars... our votes that are supposed to count ... something as simple as, "Hey man!  You are our employees!" 

    ..."Just get the job done.  Please quit with the arguments.  It's getting old already."


    I appreciate your input. I feel the same about the points you expressed on "all peoples" rights to have. Although, realistically, America is in no position to solve the world delima and govern other countries. My beef is...we are losing those things in this country, and most of us take them for granted. Americans are suffering in our own country. No jobs, no homes, no money!

    One pen.  One piece of paper.  One envelope and one stamp.  If one person sent a letter to Washington expressing their concern it would not get much notice ... If one thousand people sent a letter to Washington expressing their concern it probably would get a 'pause and wonder'.  If one hundred thousand people sent a letter to Washington expressing their concern all on the same day or week (One has to be realistic) that would turn a few heads.  If the number increased ... the politicians would notice. 

    So ... One pen.  One piece of paper.  One envelope and one stamp.  Give those postal workers something to talk about!  The people in Washington work for you.  You the people are important and you pay their wages.  It only takes one small pebble to start a ripple and a ripple can start a wave.


    Maybe that is the problem with America. The lack of involvement by the people. Your right.. we can't sit on the sidelines and expect automatic perfection. We have to show our voice. There are so many different issues that need change.

    One at a time ... baby steps.

    There is a need for Compassion everywhere sadly it is lacking everywhere

    Our country is a country without a heart. While there are people with extreme wealth many of our people are homeless, there is lack of heathcare, poverty and dispair. Our country is handing out money to many nations, that schould be able to take care of themselfes. It is all for power and political reasons.


    How true. I wonder about politics and oil, when I think of foreign interests. Seems we are not in the right frame of mind with foreign relations. Let's give some help to the American people.

    I believe there are a lot of compassionate people in America.  There are just not enough taking action about changing society for the better for all.  Mainly because people have not had time to become aware.  People have been sleep and drugged by tv.  What ever is on the 6:00 news is what we have been programmed and trained to respond to.  The protesters against Wall St. are passionate and want change and are taking active steps to wake people up, to the idea that for years the money has been flowing, to the top.  fish girl love your idea!  Also take care of America before the rest of the world! Aman

    There is a need for cohesion in America.

    We have, on a governmental level, been soooo compassionate in our own country that we have crippled ourselves. We have a Robin Hood mentality that discriminates against those who take care of themselves, those who are successful.

    Compassion that cripples is not compassion. It's destructive for everyone. 

    Same in Aussie mate,we spend far to much on other countries,,Charity begins at home..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Absolutely, we should have compassion for our own people. But, the problem is just a little more complex than you state. For one thing, we prove our compassion through foreign aid to help ourselves as well as other countries. When we exhibit compassion for the people of other countries, don't you think that we benefit? Of course we do; in a myriad of ways. Our objectives are usually pragmatic, not altruistic. This may sound jaded, but it's true.

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