    According to some, the world is ending today.

    If you absolutely knew on what date and at  what hour the world would end, exploding into a cloud of space dust - what would you do for the last 24 hours of your life?

    +2  Views: 987 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers



    Who would you pray to and what would you ask?

    I would pray to God to take me home.

    good answer

    The calendar ended because they go tired of writing... No one know the day or time, period.

    I would spend the day with my husband and son ... a little slice of heaven before the real one I suppose.

    it already must have missed it



    I am scared silly by all the end of the world stories MOMMY!!!!!!""


    Dry your tears, whovin. The end of the world is not so bad ... it's going through the experience that could be a bit scary.

    Religious prognosticators are all proven charlatans. The smart ones are those that abstain from predicting into the very near future. The distant future,however, is safe ground since they won't be around to face the music.

    Not today !! December 21, 2012 going by the Aczeca calendar !!


    Oh that preacher guy is saying it will end today. He's the same one who said it would end on May 21st.

    The world could end next week and who would have predicted that? No one knows the day or time, only God....and he's not telling.......

    Not today - NOW because Death is only a breath away, remember? The world would end instantly!

    Perhaps the news should ignore his predictions.

    There are two predominate schools of thought regarding the "end" of the Mayan calendar. One is that they were unable to calulate further. I rather doubt that. The other is that they considered Dec 21, 2012 as the date we would transition into a new world. That's pretty vague, but considering the state of the world today, I'd say that's a good thing.

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