    why some people so angry and hostile without no visible reason?

    +3  Views: 823 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    I have had a lot of opportunity to think about this as I worked retail for many years.  The only answer I can come up with is... crap happens before they step in front of you.

    Let the water flow.


    What, you'd pee on the floor?

    Water off a duck.................

    Although it may not be obvious to you, an angry or hostile person has reasons.  He may not even be aware of them, or refuses to acknowledge them, but there are reasons.
    Some reasons include:
         Lack of nurturing as an infant (not held, engaged, stimulated)
         Not "fitting in" at school academically, socially, athletically
         Being shut down or hurt in a relationship, or never having interested reciprocated
         Not liking one's looks (face, hair, shape)  or personality  (it happens)
         Feeling like he got a bad break or was cheated out of something he deserved
         Jealous, Envy, Inadequate, Overlooked, Underappreciated
         Always coming in 2nd, never being "the best".  Alone/Lonely, lack of friend base.
         And this will open a can of worms, but many angry, hostile people have no faith foundation.  I'm not saying ALL.  I am saying SOME.  Many people who have faith and a faith relationship tend to be alot more mellow and easy-going.  There's just something calm and refreshing about a person who has faith. 



    Your long answer is fantastic.
    I hope your 25 word thing is just as brilliant.

    thank you fish girl and ddjr.
    re: 25 words; one time I used 26, giving a quality of myself using a word the started with "A", then one with "B", etc. through "Z". Being "kinetic" AND "quaint" made me wary of myself! :D

    Funny, Bob.
    Amiable, Beautiful, Charming, Devoted, Elegant, Fancy, Good, Hat gal, Idealistic, Jumpy, Kissable, Lovable, Motherly, Nice, OMG!, P-Perfect,
    Queen-like, Rum dum, Sweet, Tan (In Summer) Usual, Very Very ...
    Wary, X-rayable, Yawning, Zippity-do-dah!

    ITSMEE: exactly! Maybe that should be a new question.

    Maybe they are dealing with a lot of issues as Bob/PKB has stated,and also Bi-Polar can make them feel happy as Larry one minute and cranky on the world the next.Or maybe that person is just having a bad day.

    Some people are just naturally miserable. Why? I don't know or care why. I avoid these people. All the psycho babble BS is for the shrinks to work out, just stay away from me.


    Watch out for that borrower, ed shank. : ) He will make your blood boil.
    (If fact, he makes my blood boil)

    ""I'm not hostile, just full.

    yes I belive that the first five years are so important their years up till the age of five are so fragile and in the right circustances they can be taught corectly and learn by their mistakes and most important they learn to love and share that love and dont forget that their they also learn to trust this is why so many children are so un balanced and they grow up hating every one and they think the world owes them a living because they have never been taught right from wrong  

    repressed emotions

    One time this woman got all red faced and almost slappy when I asked her what she would be singing in her chorus. I felt terrible. It was sure the quick end of a friendship.

    It seems like some people just look for a chance to argue and give others a bad time. These are the people who have been hurt.  

    Yes, I do believe that the first five years are the most important. That's why I spent a lot of time working with preschool-age children. I always thought and felt that  babies under two belonged with their mothers and I couldn't accept them into my preschool. 

    Some people do not discuss their difficulties with anyone and sometimes take it out on whomever is close at hand. They could be experiencing terrible things in their life and keeping quiet about it.  It's no excuse, I know, and we want to run away from them.  Issues could, spouse, child, parent, work, illness.  I wish that I could keep that in mind when a stranger yells at me or someone gives me the finger for no apparent reason!  I can't. 


    You are so right. I know people like that and also know about theire background. I dont get upset with them, i know they dont mean what they say.

    Yes. We never know what is going on in a person's life and it's easy to assume that a smiling face means "perfect life". Then they suddenly lose their cool and we don't understand why.

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