    name please some women pilot of airplane

    if there don't how do you think - why?

    +1  Views: 1278 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: woman pilot

    2 Answers

    The greatest was Amelia Erhart --  There were and are thousands of them today but i don't know them, they are just pilots, nothing special about being female..   There are many female fighter pilots, and in WW2, although they couldn't fly combat they actually trained male pilots.. 


    I've never met woman pilot, only stewardess

    They're called 'flight attendants' today because many of them are male as well. Also, there are many 'woman' pilots flying commercial airlines, they do a great job.. When I was flying a lot on business trips, I can remember many of them, they seat as engineer/co-pilot as well as captain. Spend a day at the airport, look for shirt epaulets or jacket epaulets with four stripes, that means they are captain. You will see many women with four stripes.

    I think the Russians used female fighter pilots in combat during WWII.

    Yes they did, they also put them on the front lines.. but like many Russian soldiers, not all of them had a weapon. They were told to stay close to a soldier that had a weapon, when they went down, they were to grab the weapon and continue on while another soldier without follows them.. Not always did the one with the gun get killed first.. (crazy warfare) but the women did a great job--

    Oh yeah,   here where i live in Mountain View CA they offer 'blimp' rides, the pilot is a woman, her name is Kate.  I see this thing most everyday.. Here's a link

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