    Do you keep up with fashion and/or have your own style of dress?

    +1  Views: 812 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    If it goes well with jeans, I'm wearing it........... (do I HAVE to put on shoes..........?)

    Nope, this  62 year old does not keep up with fashion...I'm more of an aged hippie/Earth Mother  fashionista! I don't see the point at my age.....I wear what is comfortable, clean and relatively appropriate for whatever occasion it may be. I don't see how anybody can AFFORD to keep up with all the fashion changes these days!  (:

    I was sitting in a meeting with about 30 other women yesterday - all around my age. I was the only one casual enough to be wearing cutoffs and a fitted Betty Boop T-shirt. I'm 70, so I don't know - am I dressing "with the times or to be "comfortable!"


    you’ve mentioned betty boop before. hmmmm? would betty boop look good with a long skirt? might be more comfortable. It might be a good fashion statement if you wore tall Uggs, a sllll


    all know is that you are fabulous!!!

    I march to the beat of my own drum, too.  I like the cadence~
    If it's not comfortable, why wear it?  I wear "sneakers" most of the time, have way too many pairs of jeans, and an odd assortment of blouses, "tops", and sweaters.  For my job interview, I wore an ivory skirt that was too short for my years, with a "professional" top, patterned tights and shoes that look like they belonged to a woman from the Civil War era.  My hair Is plain.  I get many compliments about my appearance, so I may be doing something right.  
    Clothes are fun.  Makeup is fun, too. 

    Yep,that's me!!  Been wearing the same style for 50 years so it's gotta be fashionable.

    501s,boots & button down shirts.Everything else just looks silly on me.


    Lookin’ good tommyh. : )

    I march to the beat of my own drum,like ole hipster,I'm just an old hippie.I still wear my hair long and that went out of fashion a long time ago,besides at almost 57 years old it'll fall out soon enough. :(


    you are the fab, fabulous! Aman!

    If it's not gone yet, it's not going anywhere. Keep it long forever! I can't get mine beyond halfway to my waist (but I'm not giving up).

    At Thanksgiving a female guest wore a long straight skirt, those stupid shoes that look like great grandma wore them except the guest had patent leather. She had a short jacket with lots of jewelry and and a way over done blond hair do. (This is not a good description) Anyway, she was dressed to the nines and most of us wore simple clothes and simple hair styles. She looked absolutely ridiculous and overdressed. We were not at a really fancy restaurant.

    I have my own style but it seems like I wear what everone else wears.


    It's nice to see you back!!!

    Yes. If it's not designed and stitched in Italy, I ain't wearing it.

    Nope I wear what I want to wear no one else buys my clothes for me if they do not like them they do not have to look.

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