    Why we always run after the money?

    +4  Views: 856 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Life is full of interesting things and most of them you can get only having money


    Well said.

    thank you, eggplant

    Well, it's better than being poor. It's nice to have a little bit to play around with, like go on overseas holidays etc.

    I don't  run after money, I earn it. It is a necessity.  


    Good answer.

    ""WHEW  IT'S HARD TO CATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm like wes, I don't RUN after it but earn my money.

     Money its human nature but its a must to surive


    To pay the bills make us happy and buy us stuff.

    I'm an artist ... running after money and making money is a little different for me.  I always need a new art supply.  I want to make sure that we have the things that we need.   The darned bathroom gets it's renovation and one day I employ a gardener who makes the magic happen! 

    Actually, money is not something that I 'get bent on'.  I just do and make and let the good light shine. 

    Life starts and it ends.  What happens in between is the journey.  Money isn't something that you can take beyond this life.  I would like that it's all OK.

    It is written that money is the root of all evil.  I take that seriously.  Jesus was not a miilionare ... but he had it all going on.


    The Bible says...not that money is the root of all evil...the LOVE of money is the root of all evil...huge difference and always misquoted.

    Did the gardener sod your bathroom floor or did he spread grass seed? Just curious.

    Hi-lar-ious! Digger! You are so funny that I forgot to lllllaaaaaauuuuugggggghhhhh! Big hug!

    I chase it because IT keeps running away.

    Bad Bad money Daddy chase and spank!!""

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