    THIS IS FOR ALL THE COMPUTER WHIZZES!!! As I am not one of them.

    Does anyone know of a totally free site or way to speed up this miserably slow computer that I'm on. Can't afford anything right now that costs moolah! Any info would be greatly appreciated! And hello to everyone.....I've been off site here for well over a week!! Have missed you alll!

    +3  Views: 640 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Learn to do this:

    How to make a computer faster: 6 ways to speed up your PC 

    Check your e-mail. 



    Hi, sorry to bug you but do you think the comment you made on one of my answers for are we alone in this universe want very nice and I just want to ask why you did it
    ole hipster

    Thanks Colleen for the insight...will check into this now going to try to access my email....hope all is well with you and yours my friend...have definitely missed you and thought of you often!!!.(:

    @ hayley, You need to go back to that thread and see my reply and stop trying to put drama all over the place. That does not fly here. I'm beginning to believe you are too young for this forum.
    ole hipster

    Hi again Colleen me wee lassie...checked me email but may have inadvertently given a wrong email address back in February so will forward the proper one to admin....(:

    Send it to me too :)
    ole hipster

    Will do Colleen!

    Check your e-mail again :)

    sorry hipster i'm a total computer geek as well , in fact i just learned about cut and paste..up until now i thought it was an activity you were taught in 5th grade,don't fell bad 6th grade is just around the conner..perhaps we'll catch you at the reunion..

    ole hipster

    You are way too funny daren1 (as usual!) thanks so much for answering though....was sweet of you to do so! I trust you are doing well just judging by your sense of humor...which to me is one of the absolute best qualities that a person may have!....take care my friend!.(:

    thanks hipster for the complement,i agree humor is the best medicine..but in my case it's not the only medicine.(shh)indeed we are friends.and one sweet day that reunion will come..

    GO to Google ask nerd .com step by step guide to improve your speed. good luck.

    Ugg, mail delivery failed....your e-mail address is not correct hipster. If you can log into your e-mail, send me a message so I can get your correct e-mail address

    Hi Hipster:  How did you make out with your computer woes? Did the site Colleen posted help? There are a number of things which can cause slow computer processing. 

    P.S. There is nothing you can do to speed up this site though.:o)

    Mr. Wilson...

    The files of a system are organized in a variety of schemes. To make it run fast you need to learn how these file systems work and how to organize the system for fast performance.  The more files that open and load when you turn your system on the slower the system will run. The smallest system boot to a simple editor screen in black and white with a file directory is fast…opening before you can get your finger off the power on button. Then there is file organization combining related files into a set of files that work together with interactive connecting files that address interactive issues.  Linux encourages people to learn how to program computer and deal with problems and issues hands on. Also Mac encourages folk to learn computer programing.



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