    Who do you think won the CNN Republican debate?

    +2  Views: 684 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Not watching it Randy.

    Right now I would vote for a CARNIVAL CHICKEN to get Obama out of office so I'm not interested.

    Headless Man

    Good point......

    So far, I like Hermann Cain the best. The constant fighting between Rommney and Perry was disgusting and a turnoff.

    Headless Man

    I agree, it looked childish.

    I don't think anyone won, but Newt Gingrich kept his cool best.


    TSC, you may end up doing just that because some of the GOP's candidates are as presidential-worthy as a bucket of Col.Sander's.


    Yeah, I hear ya, but things these days are so much different than years past when it came to presidential candidates. These days you have to look good on camera, speak well and articulate, NEVER make a mistake and countless other demands we expect from our nations highest office holder. Trouble is, we can all find SOMETHING we don't like about EVERY politician, Dem or Rep.
    Right now I want the "present" Carnival Chicken removed.

    TSC-- This is exactly what got Obama elected, he is a smooth talker, his 'stage presence' was and is better than anyone, he is a great talker, a great salesman, the perfect attorney-- But just like attorneys, salespeople and other great talkers, they lie--but lie convincingly-- This you can not remove from him.. Very articulate- His promises although empty got him elected to take on other agendas. Have you ever seen the U-tub videos of some obama supporters that actually said that they were voting for him because he was going to make America pay for their rent, they cars, groceries and their gas as well as healthcare?? and they even say that they won't need to work because America wants them to stay home and raise their kids to be model citizens.. Ironic huh??? His delivery of twisted spin speech actually worked!

    I don't believe the "Commander In Bull" will be able to pull it off again Vinny. The people in this country that voted for him couldn't POSSIBLY fall for that horse s*it again.

    I would like to pick out one thing from each candidate and make our own GOP pick. I can't find one on there that is as smart as Newt G. .. but I can't vote for him either. I want someone who will beat Nobama and it looks to be Romney. Sad but true.

    I would like to see Newt get nominated and pick Herman as his running mate, wise and cool together.

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