    No question, just a little request for a bit of a prayer for a safe journey to Denver, 8:40 AM, Oct., 18th, to see my Mom and 3 Bros .Traveling alone, a bit nervous being female. Your support would make all the difference!!

    +3  Views: 736 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Go with confidants. keep you head up and act like you know what you are doing. Confident woman make poor targets........

    Everywhere I travle I travle alone... from Boston to orlando, Atlanta to California, Driving from GA to Kemtucy, Panama City.... JUst all over the US.... IT is wonderful to be on my own. Freedom is priceless... DOnt worry... Enjoy yourself.

    I see you are well on your way because it is way past 8:40 am. I agree with what Julie said, you must act confident, don't let anyone see that you are nervous or afraid, keep your head up and stay alert exspecially if you are at an airport or God forbid a bus station. Colorado is absolutely breathtaking. Is it already snowing there in some places?  I know you will have a good visit with your family. God bless you and we will visit when you return. Love, CB.

    Have a wonderful trip.  You will be safe.  It will be great and take jhharlan's advise.  xo and a prayer.

    Best wishes for a safe and uneventful drive! If you do not have a GPS, get one! 

    Just think about how wonderful it will be to see your family. Just stay positive and your fear wii go away. God will be with you all the way.. Sending you love and prayers

    safe trip just think of your family waiting for you "Take me home country road"  good song hum it girl on your way.

    God bless your trip and your family meeting. I hope it will be comforting for all of you. May your reunion be full of Love.


    Thank you all so much for your blessings, support and prayers!!  I am back home tonight, safely nestled in the mountains of N.C. Feels good to be home!  I flew out there, changing in busy Atlanta, then busy Denver. All that you sent my way most certainly helped as the trip was as smooth as it possibly could be. All planes on time or early, no delays, no mechanical issues, great seatmates on each of the  four planes and no mess-ups about tickets, gates, times or baggage. Just had to make my way around two very major airports, alone,  which I did successfully, and gratefully!!  Thank you all so very much!!!  The only issue I had, and it was small, was in leaving from Denver in security they pulled my carry-on bag to check it for a "liquid". I thought I must have tucked some shampoo or face cleanser in there by accident, but NO, it was the organic, natural peanut butter I purchased out there and wanted to bring home as my Mom wouldn't eat it. Natural peanut butter has the natural oils floating on top until you stir it up before use and that was the "liquid".  They CONFISCATED my peanut butter!!  :-(      The Rockies are indescribable, really. God's masterpiece is all I can say!  Saw my Mom, oldest brother and youngest bother, (of four), it was great to see and hug them again after all these years. Was able to help my Mom a lot, besides just being there. Spent a great day celebrating my oldest brothers birthday and met his youngest son, 14, for the first time. Really great kid, glad to know he's our future. And my youngest brother and I REALLY reconnected in a great way. We got to know each other at this stage of our lives and are a new and real support for each other from here on out. I am excited about that, he and I really just opened up to each other and connected with each other on a soul level. Our personalities meshed beautifully and we felt extremely comfortable in each others company after MANY years apart and not really growing up together, either.  So sorry it didn't happen earlier,...but it happened now and I am happy about that!!!   Thanks again!      :- D

    I'm glad you are home now and made it through the world's end last Friday..........


    HaHaHa!!! Did not even know!! :->

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