    Can you really trust your senses and the interpretation of sensory data to give you an accurate view of the world?

    0  Views: 2777 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    I don't know what you mean. I see this is "critical thinking" so it makes sense that I don't get it.

    my parakeet was wild in his cage right before the big earthquake hit in california. the children were twice as noisy before the big earthquake hit. 

    I wouldn't even know how to google this question. 

    I don't believe so because our senses are as we know connected to memories and experiences. A fresh crisp morning might mean to one person that something bad is going to happen. On the other hand a fresh crisp morning might mean it's a normal school day to another.


    I don't think that is a misperception of the world so much as an individuals emotional or subjectiive reaction to data supplied by the senses. There is no mistaken sensory perception, but a personal reaction to the relavent data.

    Yes, you can depend on your senses to give you an accurate view of the world. Our senses evolved as a result of exposure to the world and we have enough information to function very well within the confines of our planet. When you study the theories of philsophy you must remember they are nothing more than an exercise in metaphysics or brain puzzles. I'm not saying that they don't serve a purpose, but for an accurate picture of the world, you senses work just fine.

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