    Where you a first born, second child, only child, baby in your family.

    +18  Views: 1714 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago

    Tabber, you have a gift of asking eye-catching and interesting questions. T.U. AND you are literate,..... that's definitely a plus!!

    Sorry I missed this question! I reasked it. please disregard my question.

    I was the "baby" of three. My sister was 12 and my brother was 11 when I was born. Think I was kind of a surprise since I had no name on my birth certificate - just Baby Girl. What do you think?

    I was the "baby" of three. My sister was 12 and my brother was 11 when I was born. Think I was kind of a surprise since I had no name on my birth certificate - just Baby Girl. What do you think?

    I was the "baby" of three. My sister was 12 and my brother was 11 when I was born. Think I was kind of a surprise since I had no name on my birth certificate - just Baby Girl. What do you think?

    29 Answers

    The youngest of 6 and the only girl...


    LOL.. I never had a bf until I was in 10th grade.

    First born.


    any after you?

    Yes, I have a sister who is two years younger.

    3rd eldest of 8 children. 


    Much responsibility?? How many females and how many males?? Did you have to fight hard, you know what I mean.? Hope it was a truly loving family and you all keep in touch. Seems you've done very well by yourself,...tells me you had to overcome some. If I am wrong please correct me. Eight, wow!

    5 girls and 3 boys. No we are not close but I blame that on having an abusive father and we siblings never really learning to come together for support. More often than not, we stayed away from each other lest one get into trouble you didn't want to get pulled into it too. Yes, there was a lot to over come. One thing I can say about my father though is as mean as he was, there was not a racist bone in his body and he accepted homosexuals, and was always proud to mention his lesbian daughter. He knocked a guy out one day for making a joke about gays. Sort of made the man confusing to me to see him champion the minorities but beat the crap out of his family. Yes...a lot to over come but I did because I never wanted to be mean like him. I don't remember a lot of my growing up years and it's probably best. That could be why I was able to over come it and not become an abuser or criminal or something. It still drives me nuts to hear abusers use the abuse card as a reason for their actions. Or criminals whine about how bad their up bringing was. When I hear some of their "abuse stories" I think to myself, "..but I had it so much worse"..... wimps.

    Colleen thank you so much for your answer. It truly touched my heart. And I appreciate your courage and openness. Tabber

    I am #4 of 5. At one time my mother had a kid in college, a kid in high school, a kid in jr. high, a kid in elementary school, and a kid in kindergarten. No wonder she was nuts......


    Good guess......! Maybe you should be on JEOPARDY........

    Oldest of three, poorest of three, least attractive of three. At least I got the marriage thing right first time around. They've both been married 3 and 4 times respectively.

    First Born out of four


    Good, bad or indifferent??

    Yea all



    I am sorry to hear that, fish girl.

    The youngest,  THE  BABY.


    How many before?

    8 more, four girls and four more boys, a total of 9 of us.

    The youngest of four,three boy's and one girl...poor sis.,we did all the outside work (cut the grass,take the trash,shovel the snow and so on,but she cleaned our bedrooms...yuk!!!!!


    Me too Rick.Youngest of 4

    I am exactly the middle child in a family of seven children.  Don't really know how that affects me or anyone else as we didn't all grow up together, all the time. I just find it a bit odd that I am exactly, smack-dab in the middle.  Well, I suppose someone has to be, right?


    You get to see both sides being in the middle!

    I am the eldest and 1 brother there is 9 years bhated him when between us I hated him when he was born but I love him to bits now he was never a healthy child and he was spoilt rotton but we are really close now  

    Everyone is from big families!  How exciting it must have been to have all those siblings around making each other crazy.  And now, big family holiday celebrations with kids running all over and everybody talking at once. 
    I have one sister who is 18 months younger than me.  She has one son and I have three. 

    I'm the youngest of 5 and all are still living and I'm 64, good stock I would say.

    Right in the middle of (7) whole brothers/sister, #13 counting halves, DAD was a busy man, 16 that, I know.


    ... and your mom was not busy??? All he did was shoot the wad. The rest was up to Mom!

    Not really, only 7, that's why there's halves!

    You carry and give birth to even ONE child and let's see if you say "not really" as to whether you were "busy" or not..................

    How many other children were there?  How much pressure or lack of opportunities did you experience? Hopefully, very few.

    michmar118 thank you for the compliment. I experience it all good and bad,  mostly good, but not abuse.

    My Mom had a child every 4 years or so for Seventeen years. From 1934 til 1951.  5 of us. I am the baby. Just think she could of had it done in 5 years.

    I am the youngest of three kids (now all grown up). The age gap between me and my siblings is quite big and they left my parents' home when I was still very small, so I grew up almost like a single child.

    I didn't do the math but it appears that it's a high average.

    my brother is 13 years older than me. he has accomplished a lot in his life. early Ph.D., books written on and on. I grew up pretty much like an only child with the constant reminder that i was just not as good as him. i was (and am) the average jane. 


    ... way above average, I'd say!!

    Thank You.

    im the only child. i have no idea what it is to have siblings.


    My daughter is an only, also. I sometimes feel sad at her loss of that connection of having siblings, but there are sometimes real, serious problems at times there, as well. She has MANY 1st cousins that are like sibs to her and she is a strong, amiable personality and , so has many friends as well. Guess we just adjust to each of our unique life circumstances, don't we?

    The baby of two, I have an older sister.

    I am the oldest of 2... er, 4, er 5, oh, maybe 6.  My big-little brother is 5 1/2 years younger than I am. Then there are my first cousins who became my Dad's stepchildren after he married his brothers' x-wife. We called each other cousin-brother and cousin-sister. They called him Uncle Dad. Both of them were younger than my brother or me, but they are both dead now. Then there is my uncle's x-wife' son who was born before said aunt married said uncle and said dad. He is also younger than me or my brother. We call him our cousin-brother-but-not-really. Then there is that someone who we think might exist who was maybe born in the 70s maybe...


    @@ <--My little eyes after reading. : )

    I’m the youngest of three. My brother is seven years older and my sister who died recently was three years older. 

    Second of seven my father did not have a hobby just liked to play with his "barbie doll "MUM me only one a Son i was to busy doing house work or my Josie would keep me out of  arms reach

    yes I was

    right. that's great too.

    I'm the youngest in my family

    First borne of four mistakes,,,,,,,,,,always nice talking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I'm the baby of four, my eldest brother is deceased due to complications of Diabetes, my elder brother has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, my only sister has insulin dependent diabetes who is in a nursing home and then there is me, i had a full medical 2 weeks ago and in perfect health, i think by the time i reach 70, if not before, i will be the only one left of my generation, knock on wood. 

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