    Why do little kids (4) pick their nose when there's nothing up there that visible?!



    +1  Views: 553 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    ....reminds me of a little saying we used in elementary to gross out the girls: can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but, you can't 

    pick your friend's nose !

    Let's see, they have hands with fingers. The nose is an orifice as is the mouth and ears. Kids explore as they can...

    Kids pick their noses because "it works", same as you and everybody else.  Just because you can't "see" it doesn't mean nothing is there.  You've blown your nose enough to know you don't wait until stuff is dripping or crawling out. 

    Image result for people blowing their noses

    I Could never do that as a kid,my fingers were to fat,had to get another kid to do it for me,,

    terryfossil 1

    You had a friend that would pick your nose,mate you shoulda married him or her..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    They do it b/c it's something to do . 

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