14 Answers
Dear President Obama:
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike
Any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive
Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no
Visible signs of support.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth
Growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus
Don't understand it at its core.
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned
Yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to
Publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail..
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America '
Crowd and deliver this message abroad.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style Country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector..
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system
With a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly
Capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose
That lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of
Living in the world.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics
Against certain banks and corporations.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from
Challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
Opposing points of view from intelligent people.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both
Omnipotent and omniscient.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything
You do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the
Limbaugh's, Hannitys, O'Reillys and Becks who offer opposing,
Conservative points of view.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will
Probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
Lou Pritchett
This letter was sent to the NY Times but they never acknowledged it.
Big surprise. Since it hit the Internet, however, it has had over
500,000 hits. Keep it going. All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for
good men do nothing.. It's happening right now.
The CHANGE is here!!
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I agree with Daren, it's not the man that people hate, but the policies he initiates. Its just that with politics there is so much emotion that becomes involved. I thought that George Bush was an incompent president, but I also think that he was an honest man with good intentions.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Its not just republicans in office that hate him, its everybody else that doesnt agree with him. Intelligent people will not like him because he does not make good decisions that improve the economy. All he wants to do is spend, spend, spend. They have to learn to conserve resources. I dont trust him. He says he is not a muslim. He lying out his sorry @%%. You can keep your president and your change. Its not worth anything.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Funny, but I don’t recall the “veneer of respect that normally accompanies the office of the president” when the chief executive was a man named George W. Bush.
During the Bush presidency, for example, George W. Bush was referred to by leading members of the Democratic Party as a “moral coward” (Vice President Al Gore ), as a “loser” and a “liar” who had “betrayed his country” (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid), and who “week after week after week after week … told lie after lie after lie after lie” (Senator Edward Kennedy).
But in a remarkable feat of self-control, I was able to keep my moral outrage in check.
Not anymore. SCREW OBAMA
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Haven't you been watching YOUR president on TV. He's been slamming the Republicans and Conservative followers. You'd think if he wanted to unite America, he would'nt be doing what he's doing. The thing about that is.. his own party members have a problem with his Jobs Bill. Not just the Republicans. This guy is going to make enemies of his own party!
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |