    Do you think you would understand your kids better if you had their astrology chart done?

    +3  Views: 441 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    To a certain degree, YES.  You also have to take into consideration their individual personality, as well as the environment they were raised in. A horoscope is only a guide or an outline. It will tell you generally what to expect, but the individual. and their decisions and behaviors, will be the deciding factor.  You probably see many truthisms. though, as well.

    I can get just about as much helpful advice from a fortune cookie.

    NO you brought them into this world and dont know them! think when you were a kid did your mum and dad understand you its in there genes or friends act talking to them would help "Horoscope dont make me laugh .Ok your kid born october anydate "How many kids born on that date one fits the bill "My Horoscope was right out of millions got to be Do you only read the good news "but skip the bad, many do . its a money making machine for others "Not you. 

    Are you kidding?

    Well other than a handful of phone calls, my son no longer wants me in his life. Maybe I should have his astrology read ... or maybe I should have MINE read, because I have no idea why he is so mad at me!!

    Oh yeah, I got there chart right here

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