    Do you think we need to get rid of the whole U.S. Congress & start over with more responsive representatives that hear the people?

    +3  Views: 730 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Our Votes dont mean much anymore. Its all controlled by special interests. I doubt that will ever happen.


    Ann we must think of ways to make representatives represent the people. That is why people are out marching now. What can we at home individuals do?

    To vote all these career politians out of office and replace them with a younger generation. I still doubt that its possible.

    Sound great but it would take an act of congress to move on this one,

    Simple, don't vote for the one with all the money for ads, vote for the underdog and the power brokers won't know what to do.

    WHO would these replacements be and just WHO would select them ?

    Headless Man

    We would.....

    That would be what an election is for,isn't it? Or do you prefer a benevolent dictatorship ?
    Headless Man

    We would through an election, sorry.

    yes but it is an uphill battle from amending the constitution to getting approval from all houses or even a referrandum ! Keep thinking - it can only change with POWER OF THE PEOPLE.

    That would be nice, but there is no way it could or will ever happen. Elections are controlled by power brokers and we simply don't have the ability to short circuit that power. The power of the individual voter has become so manipulated and weakened that we don't have the necessary enthusiam for that kind of political change. At least, it seems that way to me.

    Great! Thank you!

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