    if you know that a resident is being abused what actions to take

    +2  Views: 623 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Go as high as you can go in the facility, manager, CEO, head medical person (nurse, doctor), tell a family member and of course, the police.  keep talking until someone listens to you!!

    I would inform the Police asap in cases like these go to the police and get everything documented and who you speak to times and places and dates take your cell phone and start to record who ever you speak to take pictures of everyone who you think is involved the police take this serously and so you should to, if it is a nursing home they will no doubt try and get this covered up my husabnd and me have been there so we I do know what I am talking about our case resulted in the death of my husband father dont let it get there!!


    Mel, Private nursing homes are are notoriously short on help, because it means a bigger profit for them. I am sorry about your husbands father. I myself would never go in one, I would jump of a bridge first.

    @Ann me to I will join you when its our time providing I could good homes for my animals first yes my husband dad had diementsa and first he was always paying this so called nurse money then it was caught on cct that he pushed him and he had a slow death as he broke his hip he got two years good system eh xxxx

    If it is a Nursinghome Resident  call the Dept. of Aging and Disability Service in your area and ask for the number of the Ombudsmen. You can file a complaint, or relate the abuse to them. They will investigate the case with help from Dept. of Aging and Disability  Service. Good luck.

    Call the police to have it documented, contact the adminastation.

    Contact the police like Xpert2 says but you can also contact the social worker that works in the medical system.

    If it is a Nursinghome Resident  call the Dept. of Aging and Disability Service in your area and ask for the number of the Ombudsmen. You can file a complaint, or relate the abuse to them. They will investigate the case with help from Dept. of Aging and Disability  Service. Good luck.

    If it is a Nursinghome Resident  call the Dept. of Aging and Disability Service in your area and ask for the number of the Ombudsmen. You can file a complaint, or relate the abuse to them. They will investigate the case with help from Dept. of Aging and Disability  Service. Good luck.

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