    How do you Greet Someone?



    +3  Views: 1349 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: hello

    13 Answers

    Say Hello or Hi...Bonjour if you live in French speaking Canada (lovely part of the world).  If you go to Google Translate there are all sorts of ways to say hello.  It's fun.

    Handshake then say nice to meet you!

    Shake hands and say hello , how are you ?

    With a smile.

    When greeting a person, introduce your self ,welcome them,have eye contact,be friendly and call them by thier name.

    If a man, a manly handshake. (Hate shaking a guys hand that has no firmness to it, can't trust a soft handshake). If a woman obviously a delicate handshake, and a smile followed by something corny like "How nice to finally meet you".

    To someone not familiar I Offer my hand and say  " How do you do? " .  To someone familiar I usually  say " Hi, how are you?" and, depending on how long it is since we last met, I might add "nice to see you again".  

    i say "hi" or "hello" and then say, "It's a pleasure to meet you". If they say "it's a pleasure to meet you", I say, "no, the pleasure is mine....".

    When meeting someone for the first time, I extend my hand, look the person in the eye, smile, and say, "Hi, I'm XXXXXX.  It's nice to meet you."   My handshake is a slight squeeze, lasts a few seconds. 
    Several years ago, I actually taught 120 junior high kids how to shake hands.  LOL

    with open arms..

    With a smile and firm handshake, I'll say Hello or Hola.  To someone I'm just meeting, I'll say Hello my name is S.G. pleased to make your acquaintance.

    I say hello or hi and by; to the germans: Guten Tag ! Wie geht's ?

    Appropriately- if handshakes are necessary - I try to match theirs.

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