    on the trip one drove at 50 mph and other was 65 mph, so how many mile they drve to round up the 10 hours?

    please answer me with full solution.

    0  Views: 771 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Your question is a little confusing, but I think you are asking how far apart they are at the end of 10 hours driving?  They are driving in opposite directions???
    50 MPH x 10 HR = 500 miles
    65 MPH x 10 HR = 650 miles
    500 + 650 = 1,150 miles

    If they are going in the same direction, the one going faster would be 150 miles ahead of the 50mph driver.   (650 - 500)

    If you need to round up, 650 becomes 700, 1,150 becomes 1,200, and 150 becomes 200.  It doesn't make sense for this to be the answer...???

    If each drove for an equal amount of time....
    10 hr / 2 drivers = 5 hours each driver
    5 x 50 mph = 250 miles
    5 x 65 mph = 325 miles
    TOTAL MILES: 575
    How many more miles did the 65 mph driver cover?
    325 - 250 = 75 miles


    When I read it again, I thought maybe they shared the driving duties so the solution is suppose to be how many miles and actual hours each drove for the total of 10 hours between the two? That's where I got lost if you had to figure how many hours each one drove for the 10 hour trip.

    To round up add the total of the 50x = amount and then the 65x= amount...You almost had it Colleen.  You missed the last part of the equation.

    So...50 x 10 =

            65x 10 =

           total 1 plus total 2 = the answer


    See what I said to Bob. That's how I confused myself when I read the problem again.

    Don't beat yourself up...these questions are worded so that you have to unravel the puzzle first.

    Hang on. I read the question wrong. Good job on getting the two answers but I don't think they will help. I'm trying to get you some help. I've been out of school too many years to remember how to do these word problems and math was my most hated subject. 

    Too easy.

    50miles X 10 hours is 50 X 10 = ?

    The same for the next one. 

    65 X 10 = ? 


    give me full solution please my frnd

    Use your brain. You are suppose to be learning this, not me. I will not just give you the answer.




    ok after that what to do? if 50x10=500 and 65x10=650 then?
    what the wnswer?

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