    why is english so spoken?

    +2  Views: 708 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    "the sun never sets on the british empire". perhaps it comes from the colonial days when the brits controlled one quarter of the known world..

    Because we're smarter...


    I agree smarter

    It's the best language being English like everthing else which is English the best


    That's your opinion ONLY!

    Are you sure it's only my opinion only is there not anyone else on the planet which agrees with me perhaps another English person . If it isn't the best language it's certainly a useful language you obviously find it useful as you used it to make your comments havn't you . I don't know where your from but if it is America Tommyh I seem to think you had a vote on which language to speak I'm pretty sure I read it somwhere and you can always learn to speak another language if you wish although why you would want to is beyond me. Have a nice day sir

    Nothing wrong with the language.We didn't get a choice with that.It's the "everything else" in your comment that I can't agree with.

    English is spoken so much because it is taught in schools world-wide.  It is more a universal language than any other.  Julie is correct when she mentions that English has adopted a whole bunch of words from different languages into its everyday vernacular. 
    Garage, RSVP, demitasse, hors d'oeuvres,  parfait, cologne are a few examples. 
    The financial market operates  in English.
    I'm thinking that there are more countries who have had Engish as their official language for hundreds of years than any other.


    It's Germmanic in origin I believe but I suppose the Romans and Vikings And Dutch And whoever else the Celts, Irish etcetra that have been here contributed their in- put into the language.

    English is made up of many languages (well, their influence), even the internet influences the spoken English language...........

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