30 Answers
Man's Best friend he herds livestock Police k9 work service Dogs for disabled people and there guide Dogs for the Blind and there very smart animals!!
13 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
WOMAN is the most intelligent. They are masters of disguise.
Some look like pigs; lots of them are mistaken for a cow;
some act like bitches;
there are chicks, foxes, and cougars
others are catty,
some eat like birds,
some act like jackasses,
many are "aunts",
there are nags and
those who laugh like hyenas,
and there are mother hens and Mother Goose.
Many of them are quite "deer",
some are quiet as a mouse,
others are as clumsy as a bull in a china shop.
and most protect their children with the ferocity of a lion.
Few know when to clam up and others are just plain crabby.
and then there are those who fish for compliments.
There are a few who are as busy as a bee,
And some have dispositions as prickly as a porcuine.
Some are wiggle worms and others are squirrelly;
Beware of the ones who are snakes in the grass,
OK, I'm done....you all get the idea. Masters of disguise. Woman. Smartest animal on earth.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
roddy: we love you, too. Probably.
Most intelligent animal- I think humans guess they are. But different species probably think they are smarter than some of us.
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Cockroach, it has outsmarted man for 150 million years.. And it was already here 4 billion years before we showed up.. Unchanged. It knows the secrets of life and longevity that man can only dream of..
Dogs are second.. The poodle dog is smart. Smarter than most of its masters, We had a poodle dog, he was smarter than both of us, he ran away.. :)
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Your humming bird story would make a beautiful illustrated childrens' book. I read it to my husband and my voice choked up with emotion at the last two sentences.
I will learn more about them.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Lovely big chook you sent us, eggplant.
"Most animals only kill to survive only man kills for pleasure - not that smart are we?" Lambshank
This has just got to be my favorite thread. I didn't get around to thumbs up everyone because it takes my computer so long to make the TU.
I had guests in my house - they read it. You're famous.
OK ... I'm gonna go pet my brilliant, glossy pet ,Peeve. What a bright cat, she is. She is!
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

I guess dogs are the smartest. Annie, our Golden, was incredible. I've missed her for about twenty years. Hector, our black lab, got all A's.
I've wanted a big poodle almost all my life. Vinny, I'm sorry your poodle ran away. I bet someone snatched him up and gave him a good home. Grrrrrrrr.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
my first thought is dog,particularly the border collie.Weve got a GSD now and hes pretty smart but my collie wouldve knocked him into a cocked hat.Also some cats(not my present one unless all life means is sleeping,eating and biting that hand thats fed you!).My old cat came to us as a stray originally.hed not been hanging around above a few weeks when one night he was a no show(hed been coming in and eating etc as if he already owned us)When he did come in late he was not very well at all,vet thought he may have been kicked or a slight tap on the road.I am just SO GLAD he had the common sense to come back to the people whod been looking after him.It was then we stopped advertising him as found and decided to keep him.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |