Should the Australian Prime Minister make personal telephone calls to to prisons to EVERY 14 y/o who is arrested for buying drugs?
The Oz PM has told everyone about her phone call to an Aussie kid arrested in Indonesia for buying illegal drugs. Our Foreign Minister also. Both have said they will give every assistance to him. What about all the other kids caught with drugs and arrested? Is she (the PM is a she) a hypocrit? Is he (the Foriegn Minister is a he) a hypocrit too?
1 Answer
I think she should,it shows she has a duty of care, to the Australian citizens.We have never had a kid been busted in Bali before,you got to remember he is just a young addolescent boy that has made a mistake.I feel he will be too terrified to buy marijuana ever again,even back here, if he makes it home.A lesson learned the hard way (it might be a good thing).
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Hmmmmm. I don't hear of the PM phoning adolescents who have 'made a mistake' and been taken into Melbourne or Sydney pokies. Does the 'duty of care' only start when you hit a foreign beach? As for being terrified and never do it again, you wish! He is already a hero to many.
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