    I've had the weirdest dream - what do you think about it?

    Last night I dreamt of corpses that were so decomposed they resembled marshmellow, and they were sort of melting away into one big wobbly mass. The ground was of rock, like in a cave. Then, a skeleton came walking, dived into the flesh-purée and came out with a body forming around its bones. I found it gross, but I was also fascinated and muttered something like "So this is how they come to life."

    In a later sequence that same night I dreamt about finding out about past incarnations. There was a girl who could remember what had been in a place hundreds of years ago.

    I do have to say I am reading a book on ghostly apparitions at the moment, so I know why my brain came up with the subject. Yet the scene I saw was remote from what I had read and I certainly couldn't have ever invented such a weird process of incarnating.

    Any interpretations of this?




    +1  Views: 1793 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    Thanks for sharing your dream info. Dreams are a reflection of our thoughts and experiences during the day. The dream may not be exactly the same, but is reflective of the experiences and brain washings that we give ourselves. Barnes and Nobles has some good books on what dreams mean. Lot's of times dreams help us get rid of some of our conflicts and pains we face. Also dreams help us learn new things. Good luck with your search for dream meanings.

    Hey Tabber,
    thanks for the advice. I'll have to get some literature on this. Although I'm sceptical about how much such books can help. After all, the images you see in dreams spring from your personal unconscious, so how would it be possible for an author out there to categorically say: "Oh, this image means that, and this image means soandso." Isn't that different from individual to individual?

    4 Answers

    This is the time of strange and some people are waking up . They are doing so quietly maybe you are one . I wish you good fortune and happiness in all things .

    ""The zombies are


    Good one!!! :)

    This is the time of strange and some people are waking up . They are doing so quietly maybe you are one . I wish you good fortune and happiness in all things .


    Thanks a lot for your kind answer. God bless you.

    Maybe the boundaries that keep things contained are leaking .The world is out of balance and what was once covered is now in full view. Perhaps you should make notes  and send the script to Hollywood.


    You mean an interdimensional leak? I do believe that sometimes the boundaries of different realities touch or even overlap.

    Regarding the Hollywood script: you gave me an idea... ;)

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