    Words for the day :Its best to keep ones mouth closed and be thought a idiot ,than to open ones mouth and confirm it . So sayth the Bluesman This fine Sunday morning. May those in need of comfort find it, best wishes to all in all cornors of the world . May courage come to those with difficulties . When your head touches the pillow may you sleep knowing this day you have done good. The Bluesman 1951

    May all our answers be good ones ,and if not maybe funny

    +5  Views: 643 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: good news

    10 Answers

    Hear hear!

    Thank you, you made my day!


    Your words are a delight as well !!! Thank you now go forth and do good things . You made me smile . Thats good . Bill

    Thank you, I am touched.......

    a soft answer turns away wrath ,but harsh words stir up anger . the tongue  of the wise uses knowledge rightly. but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.prov.;15:1


    Well If you feel that way Big Blue go forth ,And tell my "Bloody "mother-in-law to "shut her trap .You are a braver man than "me.I love "Cheese said the "mouse.

    bluesman: Thank you for the helpful words that become my thoughts for the day ... and maybe more.

    You too Bluesman you too.

    Happy Thanksgiving, for which I am thankfull for my family, my pets, a warm home, a good meal and friends.

    Big Blue!

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