    Can person receive medicade if they are not on sociality security ?

    My son in law has hepititus, he can no longer work. His wife works at a dairy queen. They have applied for S/S benefits & he keeps getting denied. He is on so much medication for pain & now it seems to me that he is coming down with alzheimers. His whole system is shutting down. He sleeps 20 hrs a day out of 24 hrs. He doesn't want to do anything like take out trash, go to the mail box, etc. My daughter has told him to put on a mask but he is afraid of catching some germs in the air. The doctors just tell her that he & she have a rough road ahead.

    +1  Views: 486 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: medicade

    2 Answers

    A person can get medicaid without being on S.S.


    In fact see the ads below thus post

    Your son should be seeing a Specialist for his Liver disease who should take care of everything by referring him and of course his medications There are just hundreds of things which cause hepatitis I cannot believe your story seems so awful - Get the right Doctor not  these quacks you have been seeing it would appear and forget the mask. Is all of what you said true? 

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