    I have a very stronge feeling people like me will be living this site soon. Right or wrong..??

    +6  Views: 1344 Answers: 17 Posted: 13 years ago

    Isn't it sexy enough for you? No twosomes or threesomes? Very wrong, wrong. Bye

    I think it comes in waves.

    17 Answers

    I don't plan on going anywhere.......



    I am not quite sure what you mean.  Do people offend you?  Or, are you too busy?

    Do you mean because it takes over your life (living it)? What / who  are people like you?

    Not sure what you are talking about,do you mean living or leaving???


    Me neither/nither.

    same here/hear

    Who are people like you and did you mean leaving? Sites like this face that all the time. People come, people go. No big surprise. Life is always calling. 


    Have a good life.

    I always do and same to you..
    I hope you find what you're looking for. :)

    People like you ,could very well leave this site.But people like me,choose to stay.It is your call,do what you want to do.

    I thought you said living & I almost said "I already live here!" or so it seems some times.But you mean leaving so I don't understand. We are all free to come & go as we please,there is no Pay suspension for dropping out,No other penalties,so..... when you gotta go..... have a nice life.Nice knowing you for that short time.Regards,Tommy.

    Messenger:  I know this site is far from being perfect.  I also realize that it doesn't have to be functioning optimally for me 100% of the time.  Things that bother me a lot, as you all know, are pre-puberty kids that constantly ask stupid questions and questions like "ha ha ha ha ha", as well as idiots that love to do TDs on people.  I feel that I am able to handle both of these dumb groups.  How?  Just show them how stupid they are, or work through the admin. 

    Now if I am one of YOUR concerns, just be reminded that I answer hundreds of questions each week and the quality of my answers is predicated upon the sincerity and validity of the questions asked, and the mood I am in at the time.

    As far as I know, you have never been rude to me or anyone around here.  Let us know what it is that bothers you the most and we will, at the very least, try to explain to you.  Please remember that I interpret a given question differently as would another person like Benchong or Daisy.

    I know, interpretation of anything can do a lot of damage if done so without fully understanding the intent of the message.  I once asked a question regarding the possible number of outcomes in a 7-game world series, naturally a question regarding permutation in statistics, and was given an answer of "1"  (he said there could be only one winner).  Additionally, he asked me, in return, if I had finished high school.  Trust me, I dealt with him and he has not bothered me since.

    Lastly, there'll always be hypocritical religious freaks like masonswife7.  Don't allow these losers to affect you.  Deal with them.  They're no better than you.  They just want to feel powerful by quoting the Bible.  I think too much of that stuff makes them look crazy and freaky, if anything.  Don't bother thinking of those losers.  Instead, focus on the wonderful people like IamPamela, Benchong, TommyH, Vinny, Mel, Bob/PKB, Jenn, MyCatsMom, Ann, JHHarlan, Pythonlover, and many more, and perhaps even me.

    Thanks for letting me write all this here.  I hope you'll reconsider and decide to stay on. 

    With Aloha.




    Very sweet of you, Phyllis.

    Thank you for thinking of me in a good light...!

    Chiangmai Sorry you think someone that quotes the Bible is a looser. You make me sad..I have never considered myself as a looser or a freak.Sorry you feel that way . Maybe I can turn out to be one of the freaks that you just might start to like. I am very friendly and tolerant and I do not judge anyone. How can I ? We are all the same!! Just flesh and bone!!

    Please don't jump into any conclusion,DNanners. I am sure we all can discern the good people of akaQA that discuss all subjects, and religion being one of them. You, DNanners, are one such person. I take offense to people who can only discuss one subject, religion. These are the same people who have already decided that 80% of the people on earth are going to hell just because they're not Christians.

    Incidentally, I have quoted the Bible many times. I am sure you cannot recall that I did. Type "Biblical Contradictions" under search above and look at my response.

    You perhaps have your wires crossed . I am not planning a exit any time soon.  What ever you choose may it go well and be satisfying.             Bill


    What a relief! Your edginess and passion are one of MY high points here.

    I’m here til the sun burns out and maybe after that too. I’ve already seen the moon breakup and rain out of the sky as dust, like the rings of Saturn.


    You always make me smile Robert :)

    I'm with you there Colleen,you may have to read them a few times,but I do smile at alot of his posts..

    Thanks, I like fiction as a response to fiction. Fun isn’t it.

    I'm right there...I wish you would write a book or 12...big hug, Fish

    The site is always here.

    Messenger, you have asked some really personal questions, but the people here, with few exceptions, haven't gotten in your face for asking them or my face for answering them.   That speaks volumes about the quality of the members here.  In some other place, you might be censored or even booted out of the place completely.
    It is my sincere hope that you will reconsider vacating the premises.  Maybe just take some time off (like a vacation).  If you miss our love, come back.  If you don't, we'll miss you.
    Hope you will continue making QA interesting by being here.  Bob/PKB


    Hey, I miss you already, and I am still here!

    leaving or living?


    Yes, please clarify this.

    To others they will play with your  login ....???


    I don't think we will miss much............Do you Messenger?

    please stay with us. we enjoy your company. hope you enjoy us too

    Would love 4 u to stay around      ( : ' }

    I dont understand . What do you mean by people like you and are you leaving?I hope you hang around , if you have been offended just let it roll off your back and keep on kicking. I was offended today my answer was considerd a load of crap and all I did was decribe what Gods image is like. But who cares . That is just one persons opinion.

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