    who is going to win over obama in 2012

    +2  Views: 679 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    Go Herman..........


    So Randy I take it you ready for Herman to take charge too ?!
    Headless Man

    I like what he's said so far I think him or some one who will do something to shake things up and get us back on the right track.

    My mother told me Herman is the one to watch. She likes him over Ron Paul. I'll be checking him out.

    Herman Cain


    Are you really a fan of Al Gore? The man who over uses his own foot print while scamming others into believing they need to make theirs smaller? The man who has made millions off this hoax? The only global warning I can see is the warming coming off his property for the abundance of energy he uses and wastes.
    At this point I would take anyone but Obama

    I know it is not over yet but he has my vote as of now...................On with the 9,9,9, Plan

    Herman in my town today..................................Lynchburg, Va

    I say Herman Cain  also

    Someone who has more campaign money than Obama?

    That is what makes this country GREAT . Free speech and being able to voice your own opinion!


    Sorry, that was an opinion on who could win over Obama? My mistake ;)

    Don't count your chickens until they're hatched.


    I'm hearing shells cracking. Obama's numbers slipped again. Biden is saying, blame Obama, not Bush and people are up in arms about Obama's remarks about about running the republicans out, saying he is promoting violence. This on the heels of his refusal to stand against Jimmy Hoffa's remark about the tea party, "take these son-of-a-b!tches out" as he was introducing Obama. The throne of king Obama is beginning to topple.

    Obama for another run .his number two Mel Gibson. I"LL drink on that.Got you thinking Colleen.


    Mel has issues. He would fit right in.

    I think that Alfre E. Newman could win over Obama. All of the candidates have very interesting ideas, and we definately need to remove the incubant. As far as which one will be the GOP nominee.. I still think that it will be Romney. He is actually not my choice, but I think he will be the one to oust Obama.

    On January 19th,  2010, a law was passed  by the "Roberts Supreme Court", that abolished a century old law, that our political government is  directly carried out by the people or elected representatives of the people. With the stroke of a pen, the "Roberts Court" abolished the laws governing electoral  financing and removed limits to how much special money interests can spend to elect the officials they want. The government will be a government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations, that will dictate the elections of candidates of theire choice in public office. This will mean that we will no longer be a democracy, but a plutocracy.


    I'm looking for an OBAMA LITE.

    Sorry people, but I hope Obama wins 1 more time.The Bushes had a lot longer then 4 years to screw everything up, Obama has a right to at least eight years to fix it. If you think about it he is a very busy man. He has a lot of things to worry about, foeign policy  and national policy. If you think he isn't worrying and working check out a picture of him from the last election and compare to now. I would not want that job for all the money in the world.


    He's busy on the campaign trail when he's not on yet another vacation. Sorry but you have blinders on. At least the numbers of Obama supporters is growing smaller by the day. I'm not worried. If he continues shoving this country over the cliff, then he may not make his full term anyway.
    All presidents age fast once they take office. Just look at all before and after photos of the past say 6 presidents.
    The only thing Obama is worried about is how to complete his plan of destroying America.
    ed shank

    Have you been in a coma for the last three years. This idiot made a horrible situation 10 times worst. Another term with this guy and we'll all be living in the woods and eating our children. I agree the job sucks, you have to be an Ego maniac to want it. If nothing else this guys got an Ego.

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