    Suddenly have no running water, have a deep wll, 350 ft, and it's 15 yrs old. What could the problem be and if it's the well pump gone bad what is an estimation of cost for someone to replace it? b

    +4  Views: 780 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    You are going to have to let your finger do the walking in the Yellow Pages and get a few estimates... all sorts of things could be going on.  We had a well dry up is expensive.  Hopefully it is just your pump.


    I took a look at the price of pumps. 0.0
    Fingers crossed that it's a bad breaker in the electrical box.

    A well that deep will take a couple strong men to pull if they can may need a small rig, my well was only 90' and two could pull and replace it an hour or two. If you need to hire it done it will be a couple thousand if you can get family to help should save half.

    Hope and pray it's the breaker but that can be a sign the pump is about shot and may just kick off again.


    Thank you for responding. I hope and pray it's not that much!!! Very painful. Don't know anything about how wells and pumps work, so any info is helpful. After 15 yrs my gut says "well pump", and certainly, hopefully not a dry well!!!
    Headless Man

    Not likely to be dry, but it could need cleaned out.

    Just to let everyone know, it was the well pump gone bad. 1600.00 to fix, 3 hrs work by a professional with a truck rigged for such a job. One man and his truck.  15 yrs,....consider ourselves fortunate.

    Headless Man

    Glad we could help, if we

    Did you check the breaker for the pump? Can you see into the well to see if the water covers the pump? It does sound like the pimp is dead. Cost for new can run into the thousands. Hope for a bad electrical breaker. 

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