    is this sentence correct?

    Nestor told me that he wants to withdraw from his chemistry class, but I told him that he has been working hard, and he will do well.

    +1  Views: 994 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    I can't remember the question way down here...Let's see:  Nathan never told me that he wanted to withdraw.from chemistry class. However, I told him he has been working so hard that he should be doing well.

    No. To be correct, and politically correct at that, it should read:

    "Nestor told me that he wants to withdraw from his chemistry class but I told him that he has been working hard at absorbing all the propaganda from a linear-thinking, patriarchal subject area devised soley to provide jobs for the boys and to exclude womyn from achieving their rights; and that he SHOULd withdraw to show solidarity with da Sistahood and show dem Menz that the matriarchy WILL prevail.."

    Semi-colons have a place, you see.


    You win, hands down, prof.

    I could be wrong but I think you should delete the comma after the word hard.I seem to remember something about not needing a comma when the word and is used.

    "he well do fine  in my class"


    Nestor told me that he wanted to withdraw from his chemistry class.  However, I advised against it as he had been working hard and should do well in it.

    (You should not use the word "but" when you write for your class or a business letter.  Instead, use "however or nonetheless."  Also, break up your sentence.  Yours appears to be a run on sentence).


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