    Its not a question I would like a collective Prey for my Cat Harvey we have 12 hours for him to recover and he doesnt he will be put to sleep

    he was taken into hospital last sunday night with a blocked bladder he has been on a drip and a cafater all week they took the cathater out today but cant pass any urine as he has still got crystels in his urine we went to see him just incase the last time I posted about another of my Cats (Henry) he is still with us and I belive in collective preyers thank you for taking a time for the preyers god bless you all



    +17  Views: 2412 Answers: 37 Posted: 13 years ago

    thank you those who have replied to my Harvey thank you again I have posted A Picture of him thank you

    I moved the picture of him to the top of the page for you ;)

    Thank you Collen so much for that we rang this morning and couldnt speak to the till 9.30am so we are still waiting for news thank you again for helping me Colleen I wish the world was full of Colleens love ya Mel xxx

    so sorry for Harvey, Mel. iam not religious but i will light a candle for him. ( i don't believe it but HARVEY is the spitting iag of my cat SAM also a ginger)

    bullitman anything will do and candle is great I am clutching at straws at the moment until tommorrow I will know a bit then thank you for your thoughts I bet your Sam is a Hansome cat I think ginger cats are very loveing xxxxx

    Hi melandrupert...just saw the post about Harvey going back to the vet. Prayers still going for his recovery. Prayers for you as well, of course. Keep us up-to-date and remember you are loved. Bob/PKB

    Thank you Bob for your thoughts xxx

    37 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I am right here with you.  Crying...I can't stand this part.  I truly hope that lovely orange marmalade cat gets better.  I just really wish they could live forever...totally unrealistic...I know.


    fish girl I have been bubbling reading every ones comments everyone on this site who has made comments and thier preyers I jusy know what to say thank you again and again I to wish they could live for ever but that isnt going to happen we just have to enjoy thier short little lives thank you again xxxx

    May Harvey exercise his God-given nine lives to get through his ordeal!


    Chiangmai thank you so much for your thoughts I will post later and let every one know what is going on thank you again xxx

    Prayer for you both, but we all know that pets have shorter lives than us, that is why some won't have them, pray that God gives Harvey a few more years.


    Thank you Randy I know what you mean they do bring so much Heart ache but I also feel they bring so much love in to your lives as well thank you again Randy for your thoughts xxx

    Love and light along with a prayer of healing for Harvey. Sorry your hurting like this...a big hug to you.


    Thank you so much mom your right it does hurt its my Husbands Birthday tomorrow and he said I might have the best present in the world if Harvey comes home and the worse present if we have to say good bye thank you again mom xxx

    My daughter had a ginger cat just like Harvey,she called him Cargo.Oddly enough he had bladder problems too.He has passed but it wasn't the bladder problems that took him,it was a car.I hope Harvey gets better Mel or at least that he doesn't suffer.


    It is not odd for male cats to have bladder problems. It's a miracle if they don't nowadays. It's because of ph in their urine and many other things. Feed your cats well. Make sure they are drinking lots and lots of water to flush those kidneys and bladders out.
    Stay away from the junky cat foods. Cats are carnivorous...they don't go along and eat an ear of corn. Check the labels of the cat food you are buying.

    Thanks fishgirl but we don't have cats anymore since Kellie moved out.LOL

    Thank you Tommy for your comments sorry to here about Cargo thanks again xxx

    Mel, I am sorry I did not see this earlier. I had some errands to do. Harvey is such a handsome little man. I have prayed for him and have the feeling, that he is going to be OK. After my cat Lucky disappeared I went to the humane Society and brought home two young cats and named them Adam and Eve, because they were dropped off in a box  on New Years eve. They were not used to human contact. It took Adam 3 month and Evie 6  month to be comfortable with  us humans. Then Adam had a blocked Bladder too and it was touch and go, but he made it through. Thats why I believe Harvey will make it through too. I will pray for him until he is better and is home with you.I understand your agony. They are our furry little children. Take care and let us know about harvey. Lots of love and lots of prayers. Ann


    Thank soooooo much Ann I knew you wouldnt let me down I never said anything before he rushed in last sunday night it to do with the areather (cant spell that) its too small his penis went back inside and he was operated on for 1 and half hours he his grossley over wieght because he has been on steriods for about a year for a skin complaint then last year we had to have is eye out before we got him he had lived out side for 4 yrs and we got a dog kennel and in winter we would put a hot water bottel in his bed as we couldnt take him in as we had 2 poorly cats and when they died we let him in and he has never wanted to go out since we have had him for 3 yrs now but he has been through the wars and now this! Ann thank you again for yours preyers they mean so much to me thank you my freind xxxx

    Mel, You have so much compassion and love for animals and Harvey is one lucky cat that came into your life. I dont believe there are accidents in life. God send him to you, because he knows your heart and the love you have for animals. I hope and pray that he is going to make it through. If it werent for you, he probablty would not be alive today.I keep praying for him. Love and prayers, Ann

    thank you Ann for your preyers Iam sure they have worked we will not know really till tommorrow when he has to go back to the vets if this doesnt work its a opperation on Monday will keep you posted love you mel xxx

    Hi mel, i just wanted to say that i include all animals in my prayers every night so harvey is deffinately included in them but i will say an extra little prayer for him hoping he gets well.


    Kimba thank you so much for the preyers for all your animals and harvey thank you again xxx

    my thoughts  and prayers are with you mel and harvey...i sure you loved each other very much..


    Thank you so much daren for your preyers and thoughts we love each other so much and he has been through so much he lived out side for years before we brought him in our home, we even got him a dog kennel and in winter we would put a hot water bottle in the kennel to keep him warm thank you again daren xxx




    Adorable You - Harvey xoxoo many kisses and many hugs. Hey nobody wants to miss you. Lets hope you get to those gates and they say "Not yet Harvey".

    He is just so cute.

    Tell Harvey we ALL love him and hope he gets well.


    thank you so much clu for your thoughts xxx

    I will prey for harvey for you and hope that he will pull through,xxx


    hector thank you so much I am preying that he will be ok and be home with us poor chap he only has one eye as well and he just soldgers on bless him thank you again xxx

    sadie, thank you for thinking to bump this thread. In order for bump to work, it has to be posted as a new answer and not as a comment ;)

    If wishes and prayers are heard Harvey would be fine, he's certainly in mine too,


    lambshank thank you for your wishes and preyers love you all mel xxx

    "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain thee."  God who is merciful listens to our prayers.  Your pet is in my prayer.  I am sure Harvey will be OK.  Blessings. 


    Benchong you brought a tear to me and my Husband thank sooooo much for that lovely preyer I knew I could depend on you thank you so much you will always be in my thoughts xxxxx

    Said a big prayer for you both - come on Harvey we are all behind you!


    Maz thank you so much for the preyers for both of us no nwes as yet will know later thank you again xxxx

    I hope your cat gets better fast :)


    thank you Elizabeth for your thoughts xxx

    (((Harvey))) healing energy and light sent to you.  (((Mel))) my thoughts are with you.

    May the blessings be. 


    Thank you so much Colleen you are such a sweetheart, we have just got back from visting him and he was so pleased to see us the vet said he will ring if there is any changes through the night I wanted to have him put to sleep but the Vet beged us not to as he said he could change through the night and plus with the medication I am hoping it will help, how can I get this out so everyone can say a pray for him! thank you again for being so careing Colleen love ya Mel xxx

    ", how can I get this out so everyone can say a pray for him!"

    It is quite acceptable for you to keep bumping this thread so it hit's the first page where it's seen more easily. Just post "bump" as a comment whenever you want and it will move back to the first page.

    thanks Colleen I will try and do this as you know when I did this before with Henry he lived and is still with us it was a miracal thanks again Colleen xxx

    With all the well wishes, Harvey just has to improve... I'll include him along in the prayer I say for my cat, "Lord, just one more day"....


    thank you so much jhharlan for your preyers god bless you for thinking of him thank you again xxxx

    It is a beautiful  day here, sunny and warm. I have asked God to send a sign that Harvey is going to be alright. A big white bird was flying over the water at that moment a distance away. I have never seen  a bird so big and all white. I dont know what it means. Hopefully by the time you read this, Harvey is on his way to recovery! Love and Prayers, Ann


    Ann well that bird did something when we bought him home UK it was about 11,45am UK time and he passed his first wee with no blood in it! he went straight out to drink from the pond its his favorite drinking hole then came back and had a wee, We couldnt belive it as we let the Vet had said he was not passing any urine and the bit he did pass was blood and told us that if he sruggles in passing urine we had to take him back and he would have to be catherized and then we will have to take the option of him being put down or a very exspensive opperation cut a long story short we spoke to our own vet and he quoted a 1/4 in what they were going to charge which is really good news anyway I am not counting my chickens yet until tomorrow I will update you tommorrow Ann thank you big white bird and a massive thank you from Harvey and me and Hubby love you so much Ann god bless you too and your family and all the paws you support xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    MEl, This is wonderful news. The bird was a sign, that Harvey was going to make it.At the time I did not understand what it meant. Harvey is determined to live. With so much love from you and your hubby he is going to beat the odds. He passed urine without blood, that is a miracle. I did not realize that this Vet was not your own Vet. I had problems with a Vet that charged me so much more money for tests than another one I am using now. Just hang in there, with Gods help he will be alright. Talk to you tomorrow. Love and prayers, Ann

    Ann thank you so much not very good today he has started to pass blood but when we spoke to OUR vet he said this is quite normal as he has been catherterized for a week so he will pass blood as its red raw up there we will see the OUR vet tommorrow as I really dont trust these other Vets I think they are just F2 like just finnished med/vet school! we have decided that if its blocked (bladder) we will not subject him through any more we will have put to sleep he is in uncomfortble and dont blame him he keeps wondering around all we can do is lokk after him and do our best I just prey he will pull through tomorrow I cant bear it if he is pain as you know Ann they cant tell you thank you Ann for listening to me I will update tomorrow I have asked Colleen to do a update for me as I am so busy with work and trying to watch Harvey as he is passing his urine every 20/mins and I have to check o see how much blood comes out will talk later thank you agian for being so concerned truly a freind xxx

    Mel, This normal for your cat to pass some blood after beeing catherized.How old is Harvey? Adam was 11/2 years old when it happened to him. You are an icredible person.I have been praying for him all along.I hope he will be better today.Please let us know when you can. Love and prayers, Ann

    Ann thank you for your comment thats reasurance that they bleed we dont know how old he is as he was a stray we have had him for over 2yrs and we fed him out side for two years the Vet thinks he could be 8/10/12 so lets all pick heee he is a sleep at the moment thats why I have come on site, this morning the blood was quite thick but now its pink! like watery pink! he is very grumpy wont have anything to do with the other cats and they arnt happy I am sure they will get over it! I hope so thanks Ann for all your preyers if there is any change I will let you know love you Mel xXXXX

    Ann just a up date we took him to the vet this morning to have his cathater out the good news is that there no cyrstels in or on the cathater and it looked very clear he has been twice since it has been removed bu only little wees its too early to say at the moment wether he will be fine as last friday he had one removed and was going fine up till Sunday then on Sunday he blocked so still need the preyers please well Ann my friend as soon as I know any more I will inform you thank you again for all support love as always mel xxxx

    Mel, this is good news. Harvey feels your love and concern and is making every effort to stay.I really think that white bird I saw was a sign from god, that Harvey will revover. Keeping my fingers crossed and say prayers for Harvey for his recovery. Love and prayers, Ann

    With all the well wishes, Harvey just has to improve... I'll include him along in the prayer I say for my cat, "Lord, just one more day"....


    bonus karma for you.

    jhhalan thank you for your wishes for Harvey blees you xxx

    By the time you read this i am hoping you have received good news about your cat,i am keeping my fingers crossed that Harvey returns with good health.


    Hi pythonlover we have him home though he has to go back tommorrow to see the vet! but at least he is passing urine now with no blood in it thank you so much for your thoughts xxxx

    I have just read about Harvey and it has made me sad. Please don't lose hope. He is a beautiful cat. What can I say. Yes I will prey for him.


    west-bus thank you so much for your thoughts I know you would understand what I am going through as like most of us on this site love animals everyone has been so caring my heart goes out to you and everyone who has commented about my Harvey thank you again west xxx

    Wishing Harvey a speedy recovery.I can't be around cat's too long or my eyes will swell shut,but a couple of years ago one showed up on our back porch ready to have a litter in the dead of winter and Cleaveland winters can get pretty bad anyhow she had her kittens right there on the porch and my wife wanted to bring them in and i said no way but I did build them a house in the yard to keep them out of the cold and we fed them,so low and behold about a month ago mom had litter # two under the front porch(she must have went under there when I had the lat's off doing some work and I did'nt know she was under there so I put the lat's back on so she was trapped under there for like a week until I heard her crying to get out so I freed her and here she comes with two more new kitten's),man she was one happy cat,so here I'am with five cat's,mom,two from her 1st litter and two new one's I'am not a cold person so I guess that house I build will get good use again this winter.When I'm outside one from the 1st litter follow's me where ever I go( I can be around them as long as it's outside and it's not too long,so I do play with that one a little bit,but I still don't like them but when they look at me with those sad eye's what are you to do???,give in...Get well Harvey...



    What you did was beautiful and caring but please remember that these cats need desexing because they will just keep multiplying and that wouldnt be fair on the mother or babies

    Great story Cleveland - you are allergic to their saliva they use to clean their fur, not them -many pwople think it is their fur, but you are right in this situation "Sad Eyes2

    thats was a lovely thing you have done and I an sorry you cant go near them through your alergy you could try priton it works for my husband son he has take them when he visits us because of the cats if you can try and fing some one up animal welfare they will normally castrate and spade for nothing providing you will have them back its worth a try! and that will stop all the litters good luck on that. and thank you for your thoughts on my Harvey bless you and the cats! xxx

    This is Harvey


    I just wanted to say mel, that its people like you who keep my faith going when i feel like giving up, you sound like a beautiful hearted person. Thankyou for making my day just that little bit better

    well not a little bit better - alot better

    @ Kimba thank you so much for your kind words and you thoughts on Harvey thank you again love ya xxxxx

    Prayers for Harvey.  And you.


    Thank you Bob for you preyers xxx

    Still hoping and praying here.

    dopey thank you so much for your preyers still no change he is a little bit better but not much poor little man xxx

    I am putting this answer in in case I get spotted with a TU though I dont want one all I want is a PRAYER , for Harvey  please read the Question Please thank you xxx


    Will do !

    @Benthere thank it means so much xxx

    Mel I have just seen your sorryful story - the first - I am crying here but I am so hopeful for you as it is a good sign that the Vet is keeping him - I have been there so many times - this is the sad part of having these amazing little creatures - it hurts so much as it is hurting you now when anything is wrong - I am so hopeful though and of course my prayers and thoughts are with you a Zillion times - I have such a good feeling that he will pull through and you will have a hugely happy day with your husband tomorrow - I will pray for you all - come on Harvey - you just get back to your cosy home with so much love there for you hugging you so very tightly - you can do this xoxooo
    country bumpkin

    Mel: Harvey is a handsome cat! I've been praying that he will make a full recovery and be able to come back home soon. May God bless your family and I hope this will turn out to be a great Birthday for your husband.

    Dopey thank you so much for your thoughts the vet said we could take home today uts been hard work but well worth it he still isnt out of the woods yet he has to go back tommorrow to see if his bladder is emptying ok he done 8 wees which is brilliant I will post a question so everyone knows what is going on thank you so much xxx

    Country bumkin thank you for your kind words and your thoughts on Harvey we have back today but he is still not out of the woods yet but he has had 8 wees which is really good and no blood in the wee which is a blessing its all the preys everyone has said god bless you love ya mel xxx
    country bumpkin

    Oh Mel, what wonderful news. I'm so glad he is coming home. I'll still pray he has a full recovery. Love, CB.

    Geez, you hid the update way down here I've been worrying all day! I'm glad he's home. It's the best thing for him no matter what. Hugs to all.

    Hi Colleen no didnt do update as I have been(yesterday) was nursing him most of the day and he was going to the cat tray every 15 mins and I had to check wether there was blood in it though this morning there was quite alot of blood in his urine we just rang the the vet as we were sopose to take him this morning but he gets so sressed out as its a 40 mile round trip anyway the vet said just keep an I eye on the urine he is still not out of the woods so to speak he if it blocked tomorrow we have made a desision that we will have put to sleep as I dont think its fare to put him through a opperation he growled at my Husband and he has never done that ever! so he is uncomfortabel and they are saying that the opperation will not gaurentee to be succsesful there could be more complications thank you Colleen I havnt time this morning to put a Post up as I have got alot of work to catch up on invoicing and doing loads of estimates could you put a post up for me to let everyone know what is happening with Harvey! he is a sleep at the momeny due to his medication a pain killer I still need those preyers from every one if you could do this I will be in your debt for ever thank you Colleen for thinking of Harvey and I am sorry that I didnt have time to post anything as you know your selve that Animals must come first I am soooo tired I could sleep for a week thank you again MY Friend love ya xxxxx

    With all the well wishes, Harvey just has to improve... I'll include him along in the prayer I say for my cat, "Lord, just one more day"....


    another one.

    jhharlan thank you he is a lot better than he was but still not out of the woods thanks again xxx

    Only just read about Harvey, he looks a lovely little chap. My thoughts and prayers. God bless you and Harvey.


    sunny thank you for your preyes and you thoughts for Harvey is a lovely little chap he has only one eye as well he certainly has been in the wars in his short life thank you again xxx

    Mel; Thanks for the updates on Harvey.  Will keep up with the healing thoughts.


    thanks for that fish girl I have asked Colleen to do a up date as I just dont have time with looking after him and my work has slipped I do have to catch up as my Husband and are paying of the vet bills!!! thaks again sweetheart xx

    Hang in there melandrupert and Harvey. 
    He's been so strong and has so much love behind him and prayers from all over the world. 
    Keep the faith, no matter what.


    Thank Bob for your comments he is hanging in there as you say you must keep the faith and I am trying real hard and its hard but I belive that God has a reason for this who knows thank you again Bob for being there Mel xxxx

    It has got to be emotionally draining to be on pins and needles for Harvey. My big ol' Tom had his kidneys block up and I didn't notice his distress until it was too late (he was an outside cat; I had about 15 at the time....long story). I bawled my head off losing him. The fact that Harvey has hung in there and can still be treated is a really positive sign as far as I am concerned. Truly, my prayers for a complete recovery. XO

    thanks Bob he was rushed in this morning as he was blocked again they are flushing his bladder out still waiting by the phone to see how he is thank you for your preyers god bless you and your animals xxx paws for ever

    Oh bless your heart. I know how much you love your cat, because i love my pets very much.I will be praying for you ad Harvey.


    DNanners thank you for the comment and the preyers for Harvey we are back the vet in a hour or so he is still blocking cant pass urine I will keep everyone informed later thank you again xxx

    melandrupert, I believe that all animals know God, just watch horses in a field they know when bad weather is comming! Also the Bible says a righteous man regards the life of his animals...

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